I love pretty printables! I enjoy creating them, using them, and sharing them with others. If you like printables, too, you’ve come to the right place. Our family website offers a treasure trove of pretty & practical printable resources — calendars, chore charts, coloring pages, and much, much more.
A few words about using our printables:
Bible Memory Printables
A few of our most popular Scripture based printables:
- One-Year Bible Reading Plan – the plan I’ve used for nearly 20 years
- Books of the Bible Printable – plus a summary of each of the 66 books
- Days of Creation Printable – this poem will teach you the order quick
- Ten Commandments Printable – plus an award certificate for memorizing!
- Bible Memory Cards – pretty verses to post around your house
- 50 Bible Verses to Memorize – how many do you know already?
- Bible Memory ABC – a different verse for every letter of the alphabet
- Bible Knowledge Conversation Starters – how quickly can you answer?
- Sermon Notes for Kids – to encourage them to listen in church
Word on Wednesday Posts
Use our printable memory verse flashcards and copy work in both cursive and manuscript to help hide the Word in your children’s hearts
Bucket Lists
Whether you’re looking for new family read-alouds, fun but frugal activities to do with your kids, new ways to celebrate cherished holidays, or tips for keeping a tidy home, our concise and colorful bucket lists have you covered!
Top 50-Things Charts
Why 50 things? Because it’s a nice round number — and for several of our lists, you can tackle a different item every week for a year, taking two weeks off for good behavior. For our Christmas Countdown, do two a day December 1-25. For the summer bucket list, try five per week for the ten weeks you’re off from school.
Miscellaneous Bucket Lists
These lists don’t fit the theme, but are still fun and useful. If long bucket lists stress you out, use one of our simple “5 Things” templates to design your own!
We’ve moved all our calendars to their very own page! As you can see below, we offer a variety of styles. Check out our FREE PRINTABLE CALENDARS page download any or all of our pretty printable calendars for this year, next year, or any of the years we’ve offered in the past!

Chore Charts
Do your kids (and yourself) a favor by assigning age-appropriate chores, then work as a team to keep your home clean and in order. Our charts will help you stay on track! You can even make a game of tidying up!
Handy Free Printable
Our Age-Appropriate Chore Chart for Children is one of the prettiest and most popular printables we’ve ever offered and brought such an influx of traffic when I first posted it that it broke our website!
It’s now been translated into several languages. Click on the link below to download your copy:
A few sample chore charts:
Christmas Printables
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we have the most wonderful collection of free, pretty printables to help you celebrate — an early Christmas gift from my family to yours. Enjoy!
Christmas Movie Trivia Quizzes
Are there films you watch every Christmas, never fail? See how closely you’ve been paying attention year after year with one of our Christmas movie trivia tests.
Christmas Party Games
We have dozens of pretty printable Christmas games, so print out a few for your next holiday party or family gathering and race to see who can finish first. Consider awarding a prize to the winner(s).
Coloring Pages
Armor of God Coloring Pages
You’re never fully dressed without putting on the full armor of God, so suit up daily! These coloring pages will be a good reminder to do so.
Bible Verse Coloring Pages
Coloring these scripture-based coloring pages is a great way to memorize and meditate upon God’s Word.
Presidential Quotes Coloring Pages
I’ve been slowly adding presidential quote coloring pages as a way of augmenting our family’s US history studies. Click the link above to see all the pages from this collection I’ve posted so far..
Computer Logs

- Earning Screen Time – our kids used this chart to earn time on the computer or tablet by reading
- Extend Your Reach – here is a handy chart of daily chores & activities kids should do before spending time on digital devices
- Computer Time Log – here is a simple time log to monitor how screen time is being utilized
Conversation Starters
Get your family talking
The secret to getting family members to open up is by asking open-ended questions — something they can’t answer with a simple “yes” or “no.” Our free printable discussion prompts will fuel many a lively dinnertime discussion, so give them a try!
Diabetes Care Charts
Tools to help diabetics manage their blood sugars:
- Big Diabetes Chart — This is the chart we are currently using. I post a new one on the refrigerator every week and file the completed charts in a 3-ring binder.
- Diabetes Management Log (Color) — I print these double-sided and staple them together to make a little booklet, but the chart can also be posted on the refrigerator for a visible reminder to check glucose before eating.
- Diabetes Management Log (Black & White) — Same basic chart as the one above, with spaces for logging glucometer readings, carb intake, and insulin doses.
- Diabetes Monitoring Log (Plain) — This is an old chart we used when our firstborn was diagnosed over 20 years ago
- “I Give My Own Shots Now” Chart — We used this chart to bribe our six-year-old into giving his own shots. We awarded points each time he gave an injection himself and took away points every time he lost his kit. Once he earned 100 points, he won a prize. It worked like magic.
As a mother who’s had three sons diagnosed with Type 1 (the youngest at just 22 mo.), I urge you to learn the symptoms of diabetes, so you’ll recognize them if you see them.
Fun & Games
Trivia Tests
We have all sorts of fun printable games and activities to help you have a memorable time together with family members and friends. Try testing your knowledge of random facts on a variety of interesting topics with our trivia quizzes.
Word Find Puzzles
We also offer a large selection of themed word find puzzles. How fast can you find and circle all the words on the list?
Word Scrambles
How quickly can you decipher all the mixed-up words on these lists? Don’t let the capital letters throw you. I just put those in to make things a little more challenging!
Gospel Tracts
Share the good news!
Isaiah 52:7 says, ““How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” And I could say the same thing about our pretty printable gospel tracts. They are cute as a button, but they also pack a powerful truth!
Greeting Cards & Gifts
Folded Cards with Envelopes
All our cards are blank inside, so you can write your own heartfelt greeting. I keep a stack of white card stock for printing these cards, as that is slightly heavier paper and makes for more professional looking cards.
Calling Cards & Coupons
Print these smaller coupons, calling cards, and love notes to tuck into school lunches, parents’ desk drawers, children’s stockings, or hostess gifts.
Envelope Seals & Stickers
Print these pretty sticker designs on round Avery labels and use them for embellishing correspondence or craft projects.
Growth Charts
Here are a few of the charts we use to track height & weight & see how much our children change from year to year:
- Family One-Page Birth Statistics
- Family One-Page Growth Chart
- Growth Chart for Babies – Traditional
- Growth Chart for Bigger Boys – B&W
- Growth Chart for Bigger Boys – Color
- Growth Chart for Older Girls – B&W
- Growth Chart for Older Girls – Color
- Growth Chart for Babies – B&W
- Growth Chart for Babies – Color
- My Life So Far Kid’s Annual Interview
- Children’s Free Annual Keepsake Record
- Partner & Seat Assignments – Sample
Math Printables
Our most popular math drills and practice sheets
Music Resources
Practice Records and Musical Flashcards:
- Piano Practice Sheet (This is the chart we currently use. It tracks pieces played rather than time spent practicing.)
- Piano Key Flashcards (Color)
- Piano Key Flashcards (B&W: color your own)
- Music Note Flashcards (four octaves: includes bass clef)
- Lesson Notes (a handy form for taking notes during children’s music lessons)
- Practice Record (our kids use this chart for keeping track of practice time)
More Music-Themed Printables
We have word find puzzles, conversation starters, harmonica music, song lists, lyric sheets, and more.
Pennant Banners
Celebrate Good Times!
Need some fast, free, and festive pretty printable party decorations? We’ve got you covered!
Pregnancy-Related Printables
Shower games, welcome banners, packing lists, and more
- “It’s a Boy” or “It’s a Girl” Pennant Banners – take your pick!
- Baby Shower Word Scramble – how quickly can you unscramble them all?
- Match the Mother and Baby Animals – how many of these mama/baby pairs can you identify?
- What’s in Your Purse – another fun game for baby shower guests
- Praying for Your Unborn Child – it’s never too early to start praying for your offspring!
- Advice Cards for the New Mama – have guests jot down a tip, prayer, or blessing for the mama
- Do You Wanna Have a Baby? – a fun song to sing at baby showers (listen to me sing it here)
- Hospital Packing List – I use this list every time I’m pregnant and ready to deliver
- Family Birth Statistics – pertinent information for all family births on a single page
Prayer Guides
We offer dozens of pretty printable prayer guides for FREE at our sister site, Loving Life at Home. Click on any of the guides below to download your own copy, or follow this link to browse the entire collection: Free Prayer Guides
Trouble Shooting

NOTE: I occasionally hear from readers who have trouble viewing or downloading our PDF files. If this describes you, I recommend you install Adobe Acrobat Reader (it’s free) and/or follow these suggestions. (This problem has happened to me sometimes on other sites, and usually restarting my computer and trying again is enough to get the file to display.)
love all you things on the site. how do I print what I want on 5×7 or 5×8 sheets. the full page things are no help to me, I only use 1/2 size binders.thanks
The sizing won’t be perfect, but if you select “print 2 copies per page” in your printer settings, you can cut each standard size sheet in half afterwards. Alternatively, you may be able to select the size paper you wish to print on and select “scale to fit” in your printer settings.
Hello, I really enjoy the academic calendars that you have made! will you please make a calendar for the 23-24 school year?
I posted it right after your message came in. Please tell me you found it or I sent it to you directly. I sometimes do that and then forget to come back and publish the original comment, so others will know it’s available, too — which is what I’m hoping happened this time.
On your printable high school transcript, should I be able to type on it when I download it? I was hoping so, but I can’t. If I should be able to, please let me know how? Thank you!
Hi, Sarah. I originally posted a transcript that had to be filled in by hand — which is what I did for my oldest children — but I do have an editable version which you can download here: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2015/03/23/mailbag-high-school-transcript-help/
Thank you so very much!
Can I sign up for this website so I can get your Christmas games without sighing up for Instagram? I don’t want an Instagram account.
Yes, Lucinda. You can definitely sign up for this website without having Instagram. Simply follow this link to subscribe, and you’ll get a new themed collection of free printables delivered weekly to your inbox.
Thank you so much for the pretty and useful printables! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning after finding this page! Thank you for blessing moms with your site and work!
You’re so welcome, Megan. I love Christmas, so your description brought a smile to my face this morning!
Jennifer! You have captured EVERYTHING, great job and thank you.
You’re welcome, Debi. Hope you find some free resources here you can use!
Thank you SO much for your Christmas printables! We love them! God bless you and yours!
You’re welcome, Janet. I’m happy to hear they’re being put to good use!
Thanks so much for those words of encouragement, Delaine. I’m glad you’re enjoying the printables!
I stumbled across your prayers for husband and wife while on Pinterest. I’ve been married 25 years and have been looking for something like that. They are perfect! Thank you so much for sharing. Im also going to make prints for my daughter who just got married 3 months ago.
I’m happy to hear that, Charity, and happy to share!
Hi! I love your website! So many great resources! Thank you! Will you be creating a 2021-2022 school calendar soon? Looking forward to it! Thank you!
You can download the calendar you’re looking for here (midway down): https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2021/01/31/2022-calendars-free-printables/
Thank you so very much for doing these calendars from year to year. I love them and use them yearly. Blessings to you and your family. Thank you again! Very useful and helpful!
You’re so welcome, Jacquelyn. I’m glad to be of service!
Hello! I am wondering if you might have the 2021-22 Academic Calendar for July 2021 through June 2022 available yet? I see the 2020-21 but not the 21-22. Thank you!
Yes, Amy. I’ve already posted them… just haven’t updated this page yet to reflect that fact. You can download the calendar you’re looking for here: Free Printable 2022 Calendars
I’m totally looking for the 2022 calendar year too 🙂 your calendar is exactly what I’m looking for with boxes and I can’t seen too find it ANYWHERE! 🙂
You’ll find all my 2022 calendars in this post, too: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2021/01/31/2022-calendars-free-printables/
Do you have an attendance log?
I posted one several years ago after another reader requested it. You can download it here: Free Printable Attendance Chart
I love, love, love your website. We have two granddaughters who are college freshmen and were finally able to live on campus their second semester. I send them “care packages” to remind them of home and how much we love and miss them. Included in the packages are healthy snack bars (they love them for eating on the run), a pair of pink fluffy foot warmers (February), your Valentine’s Day Quiz (4 copies for a group game, the answer sheet taped with instructions to open only when the quiz was complete), a $5 bill, and your beautiful valentines with scripture messages. The March package contains a bag of jelly beans and the Easter Jelly Bean Gospel with copies for friends, a small tube of shea butter hand lotion, gourmet chocolate eggs, $15 gift card to Starbucks, more snack bars, Who Said What? Quiz with answer sheet, and another $5 bill. I love your printables for these care packages as both girls are attending high academically rated universities and your site offers such nice reminders of spirituality. You can be assured I will be visiting your site to copy and send your inspirational messages with each package. Thank you, thank you,
I love, love, love the creative way you are using our printables to encourage your granddaughters, Lelia. What a smart idea (and what a sweet grandma you are)!
I would just like to say how much I appreciate your website and free printables. Until stumbling on a link in pinterest I had been piece milling printables together from different sources. Now I only have to go to one place for now. This is a true blessing to have access to your resources. Thank you.
I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear that, Christine!
Do you have your 2021 calendar yet?
Yes, Samantha. Sorry they’re so hard to find. I’m working on making that easier, but for now, you can download them here: 2021 Calendars for Advanced Planning
Do you have the 2022 year at a glance calendar out yet? We love your calendars!
Yes, Cheryl, I do! You can download it here: Free Printable 2022 Calendars
My kids are musical, but I am not as good as they are, so I need the answers to the Christmas Music Name That Song so that I can emcee the game at our Christmas gathering. Are you able to email me the answers? Thanks!
I just sent them to you directly, Marc. The answer key was actually linked in the original post, but I’m going to go back and try to make it easier to find, as you are not the first reader who’s written to me about that. Thanks for playing along!
Hello. I’m also unable to find the answers. Please can you email a copy ot post them online?
Thank you
Yes, Mark. I sent you the answers directly as soon as I got your message. But now I’ve made it much easier to find the solutions in my post. Next time, you’ll be able to simply click on the button below the quiz and download both versions plus the answer keys.
Wow! Thanks so much, Jennifer!
Let us know if we can be a blessing to you in return in any way.
You’re welcome, Marc. Happy to help!
Do you have any Thanksgiving tracts? we are looking for something to print and place in food boxes around thanksgiving.
We do now, Kristin. Thanks for the inspiration! I already emailed you a copy of the four designs I’ve come up with, but you can also download them here: Free Printable Gospel Tracts for Thanksgiving.
You are amazing! I printed 75 today for our churches food boxes for those in need of a thanksgiving meal. You have helped us save money and most importantly souls and all for free. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
You are most welcome, Kristin. I am happy to help and appreciate your encouragement and good ideas!
Hi there!
I just wanted to say thank you for all the amazing, free calendar printables! I am a speech therapist in the schools and these really help to make my yearly planning so much easier! I always print out the academic calendars and use them at home as well as at work. Any chance you have the 2020-2021 academic calendar some place? I typically print them off in August, but could not seem to find the one for this school year.
Thanks again!
Hi, Katie. The calendar is available. I’m afraid it’s just difficult to find. Sorry about that! I’m in the process of revamping the site to make it easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for. Until then, you can download the calendar you want by following this link: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2020/03/02/mailbag-2021-calendars-for-advanced-planning/
• Hi Flanders Family,
I just wanted to follow up on my previous email. My daughter was able to
find the 2020-2021 Academic Calendars on your website. To be honest, I
still don’t know how she managed to find it because it is not under the
>Print >Calendar drop down menu, but I’m just thankful. I’m also thankful
for the breath of fresh air in the internet world. I love the way you
exude God to your readers. Thank you for more than just time-saving
calendars. Thank you for life-saving words.
Hi, Liz.
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. My computer has been in the shop for 2 weeks, so I’ve had a unplanned breather from the Internet myself! I’m so glad your daughter was able to find the calendar you were looking for. I plan to update my printables page and put that in a more obvious place as soon as I get my computer back, because I’ve been getting a lot of messages from folks like you who’ve had a hard time finding it. So sorry for the hassle on that! Hope you have a great school year.
Last year, I came across your website and fell in love with the Academic Calendar (Aug-July). I love everything about it: the soft colors, the perfectly sized rectangles to keep track of each school day, and the grid. I also love that you have your website on the bottom of the page, which made it easy for me to find you again this year. After visiting your website, I wondered if you happen to have an updated 2020-2021 copy. I couldn’t find one. If you have a template, I am more than willing to update it for you. Thank you so much for this incredible act of service to so many.
Any chance are you going to make a 2020-2021 Academic Calendar. I love your format and we use it for our homeschool attendance. Thank You.
Yes, Crystal. All my 2021 calendars are already available; I just haven’t added them to my printables page yet. You can download the one you’re looking for by following this link. Scroll to the bottom of the past for the academic calendar: 2021 Calendars for Advanced Planning
Thank you so much for all of the free printable documents you have shared! I appreciate it.
You’re welcome, Dotti. I’m happy to know you can use them!
Your calendars are an excellent resource. Thank you for taking the time to make and post them for us to use! Do you have a 2020-21 academic calendar available yet?
You’re welcome, Kelli. Yes, the 2020-2021 academic calendar is ready and can be downloaded here: 2021 Calendars for Advanced Planning
Do you have the link for the July 2020-2021 school year calendar available?
Thanks so much,
Yes, Candice. I’ve already posted it in response to your request and others like it. I just haven’t linked it to this page yet. I’ll try to do that ASAP. In the meantime, you can follow this link to download one today: 2020-2021 Academic Calendar
Good Morning
I’m trying to find on your web site the 2020-21 School Year (July-June) calendar, and I’m hat having any luck. Could you please send me a copy of it. I have used it here at our school with our classified staff for there work days. It’s a wonder product.
So sorry to make you wait for this, Jennifer. I got two requests for it at the same time and thought I’d already sent it to you by direct message. Just realized today your request was still in my inbox. 🙁 You can download the one you want at this link: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2020/03/02/mailbag-2021-calendars-for-advanced-planning/
You have beautiful colouring pages. I am involved with my parish’s children liturgy program and wondered if I could print them out for the kids to colour. At the moment, I am only able to upload a couple of pages for the kids to our website, as we can’t meet in person. Can I put these on our website?
Thanks so much for asking, Leah. You are welcome to post pictures of a few of our coloring pages on your website with links back to our site where families can print them, but please do not upload the actual pdf printable files to your site. That messes up the SEO for my website.
If you’ll let me know which pages you’re interested in, I’ll send you the jpeg files to use on your site and links to the original posts where the full size printables can be downloaded.
Once the quarantine is lifted and your parish is meeting again, feel free to print as many copies of any of our printables as you like to distribute to the children in your program. Doing that is something we enthusiastically encourage!
Hi there, I just found your website today and I just wanted to thank you so much! I decided to home school my youngest son earlier this year because of some serious issues my son was having at school. (I pulled him out in December.) And I will be homeschooling two of my other children come September. (My eldest is already graduated.) This website that you have provided and made my search to get all the right tools (printable report cards, transcripts, etc.) so easy. And the fact that there are religious tools available as well, makes it even better. Thank you so much! God bless you and your family!
Rose from NJ
You are most welcome, Rose. Blessings on your new homeschool journey! I hope you’ll come back to visit (and download more free resources) often! 🙂
Thank you so much for the Piano Notes and Assignments Sheets. It’s come in incredibly handy in having to adjust and teach my piano students suddenly online through Zoom.
God bless you.
You’re welcome, Carolyn. My kids are doing all their piano lessons through Zoom, too. Or maybe our teacher uses Facetime? Strange days we’re living in, right?
I love your Christmas printouts but I cannot seem to find the answers to the Christmas scramble I printed out. Hope you can help. Thanks and Merry Christmas!!
Hi, Deb.
You’ll find a link to the answer key in the original post (https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2012/12/10/christmas-word-scramble-free-printable/). There’s one in the third paragraph, but I just added a “Download Answer Key” button that should make it super obvious, as you are not the first person I’ve heard from who missed it the first time. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Thanks so much! Merry Christmas and God bless you and your family!
Do you plan to create and add the 2020 scrapbook calendar?
Yes, Katie. It’s up. I just haven’t added it to the printables page yet. You can find it here: 2020 Scrapbooking Calendar
Thank you so much for these. The kids and I love them.
Will you be putting up your scrap book calendars for 2020? They’re my absolute favorite!!
Thank you!
You’ll find links for both my 2020 and my 2021 scrapbook calendars in this post, Catherine:2021 Calendars for Advanced Planning
Thank you so much Jennifer!!
Yes, Catherine. Both the 2020 and 2021 calendars are ready. I’ve just been dragging my feet on adding links to this page yet. They’re up and live now, though, so you can download any of those calendars whenever you want.
Hi, Will you be having the 2020 Scrapbooking Calendar available to print this year? I love it!
Yes, Ang. It’s up already. You can download it here.
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your free printable calendars. Each year you are the only source that creates them the way I like. A year-at-a-glance, with the date small enough that I can still write a tiny notation in the box. Thank you thank you thank you!
So glad you’re able to use them, Pam. Blessings on 2020!
Are you going to have a Forget-Me-Not Habit calendar for 2020 available?
It’s already done, Ann. You can download that calendar along with several other year-at-a-glance habit trackers here: Forget-Me-Not
You had exactly what I have been looking for Thank you!
You’re welcome, Sara!
I would like to see a Calendar from June to June that I can print out.
Sorry, Reymundo, but I can’t easily fit 13 months on a single page.
I love the vintage graphics. would you mind sharing where you got them from? I would like to make my own printables. Thanks
I’m happy to share, Anita. The majority of the graphics I use come from one or more of the following five sources:
This is my first time go to see at here and i am genuinely happy to read all at one place.
Thank you for the calendars dear Flanders Family 🙂 Lisa from NJ
You’re so welcome, Lisa!
I’m so happy I found you. God bless you
I’m so happy you did, too, Sara. Hope you’ll come back and visit soon!
I was wondering if you were going to make a 2018-2019 year at a glance school calendar? I love them!!
You’ll find the calendar you’re looking for right here: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2018/04/09/academic-calendar-2018-19/
Will you be updating the academic calendars for 2018/2019?
I’ve already done that, Thara. 🙂 You can download it here: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2018/04/09/academic-calendar-2018-19/
Do you have the link to the 2019 year at a glance calendar yet?
Thanks so much.
Yes, Bill. You can follow this link to download it.
Thank you so much for sharing these great printables. Are you going to do a 2018-2019 Academic Calendar?
I already did, Carlin. You can download that one here: 2018-19 Academic Calendar
Thanks! I was just here looking for that too; it’s my favorite to use in my planner every year! Thanks so much for all your work!
Thank you for all these wonderful resources! I was wondering if you had an academic year in advance for 2018-2019. Thanks again!
You’re so welcome, Katie! You can follow this link to download what you’re looking for: 2018-2019 Academic Calendar
Great Resource! Going to share this one my website!
I have used several you make over years. I never knew till
today that you have diabetes in your family, great sheets for that !
Linda Marie
Thanks so much, Linda Marie. I appreciate you sending folks my way and hope they’ll find something they can use here, too.
Jennifer, thank you so much for your website. I have been using your medication administration record sheets for over 3 years now. The sheets have helped me so much and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate them. Thank you and God bless you and your beautiful family.
Thank you,
You’re so welcome, Debbie. It warms my heart to hear that my resources have proven helpful to you! Thanks for taking time to tell me.
Sorry to be a pest – do you by chance have the academic calendar for next year? I love your calendars and we are trying to get a head start on planning for next year. I have your 2018-2019 monthly calendars, but couldn’t find the academic. Thank you in advance. (Or even just a “Look for it in this month” will be great too!)
You can now find it here, Ashlee: 2018-19 Academic Calendar
Memory Verse Copywork – Set 2 – ERROR 404, page not found???? It is the only one I could not download, & I would REALLY like to. Please let me know if it is still available, somewhere on your site.
Just wanted to let you know I, myself, am enjoying the memory verse cards. Excellent info! TYVVVVVM !!!!
Thanks for letting me know there was a problem with that download, Diane. I’ve updated all the links now, and added manuscript as well as cursive versions of the copywork, so they should all direct properly now. Blessings!
Have you drawn up any scrapbooking calendar pages for 2018 yet? We have used your template for keeping homeschool records of lighter activities like field trips, playdates and travel.
Yes, K, I have! You can download my 2018 scrapbooking calendar here.
What a blessing to find this resource! Thank you so much for sharing your time, talents, and wisdom. I am thankful I stumbled upon this site! I’ve pinned and shared it. God bless you all!
You’re welcome, Beverly. Thanks so much for helping spread the word about our site by pinning and sharing. That means more to us than you know, and we appreciate your taking time to do it!
These are all so great, Jennifer! Thanks for sharing all of your resources!
You’re more than welcome, Katheryn. Happy to do it. 🙂
Hello! I was wondering if the scrapbook monthly calendar for 2018 will be posted? I’ve been using those for a few years as the house/ kids calendar for each month. It’s SOOO helpful!
Yes, Cherise. The scrapbooking calendar is all ready to go. I just have been negligent in adding it to my printables page. Until I get around to doing that, you can find it here: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/2017/09/11/2018-calendars-for-scrapbooking-lesson-planning-and-praying-for-your-husband/
Hi Could you please show me where the printable Bible reading programs are?
Sure, Terese. You’ll find the one I’ve been using for the past eight years here: 52-week Bible Reading Plan. If you read the selected portion every day, this plan will take you through all 66 books in a year’s time, but it isn’t dated. So you shouldn’t feel like you have to wait until January to start. Blessings!
Thank you so much for all the detailed work you have put into creating these free printables! It is so much appreciated! 🙂 God Bless!
You’re so welcome, Julie. Happy to oblige!
Thank you so much for posting this comprehensive list! It worked beautifully, and I’ve downloaded a few. I appreciate the hard work you’ve put into this.
You’re welcome. Glad to hear the download process went smoothly for you!
Just found your site! I am an instant fan! Thanks for doing all the leg work!!
Ha! Writing blog posts and creating free printables are pretty sedentary tasks, Melinda. Nimble fingers are an advantage, perhaps, but it doesn’t call for much leg work. I’m glad you like what we offer here, though. We always happy to gain new fans. 🙂
Thank you!
I love the clean look of your academic year at a glance calendar. When will you have the 2017-2018 available? Thanks so much! We also love your room inspection printables. They have transformed our children’s rooms.
Glad to hear that, Katherine! You can find what you’re looking for here: 2017-2018 Academic Calendar
Do you still have available the “31 verses to pray for your husband” ?
Please forgive me for taking so long to respond to your question, Wendi. I know the printable you are talking about, and while I’ve used it myself in the past and may have published a link to it at some point, the “31 Verses to Pray for Your Husband” didn’t originate with me and I cannot find a copy of it anywhere. The closest I could find is this one (scroll down to the bottom of the page to print a calendar format of prayers for your husband.
You may also be interested in the 30 Days of Praying for Your Husband challenge offered by Revive Our Hearts. It’s free. They also offer a 30 Day Respect challenge for wives which I highly recommend, as it was based on my book. 🙂
The only praying-for-your-husband printable I’ve published (so far) is the “Praying for Your Husband Head to Toe” guide. I cannot lay hands on the 31 verses I used when my husband and I were first married and can’t find a copy on the Internet, either, so I may try to recreate it in the future. I kept thinking I’d get that done and send it to you, but life’s been busy, and I’ve finally decided to answer without it. Again, I’m so sorry for the long delay!
I came to your site for a coloring page and found myself printing everything and looking everywhere. I HAVE to go now but I will be back. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Thank you SO much for sharing these great ideas and pages! Have a very Merry Christmas!!
You are so welcome, Amanda. Merry Christmas to you, too!
Of course, I found them right after I posted! Thank you!!
Oh, good. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get the newer printables I’ve posted into this listing. Glad you found it. Happy reading!
Hi! Do you still have the reading logs? I can’t find them anywhere and I thought they used to be here. They’re the ones with just lines where you fill in the # of pages, Title, and Author. We’ve used several of your sheets and we’re glad and thankful you posted them on your blog!
Is this the one you mean, Matt? https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Reading-Books-Read-Chart.pdf
thanks you so much. these printables are so nice and are really going to help me with our homeschooling. your family is so inspiring to me and i hope that you continue to blog. thanks again Kim.
Aww, that’s so sweet, Kim. I’m happy to have been of service!
Oh my gosh! You’re in Tyler Tx? My oldest daughter lives there. We moved to Virginia two years ago for work but will always be a Texas. I love your site! thank you for all the hard work you put into it for the rest of us homeschoolers.
You’re so welcome, Vicki. Yes, we’ve been in Tyler for nearly 20 years, and I’ve been in Texas all my life. I love it here and hope I never have to leave!
You are so generous and gracious to share! These are so helpful. Even with nearing the end of my home schooling years, each child is different and these are great to help me finish strong and stay focused on the goals! Bless you.
Thanks, Sheila. Happy to help!
You have an amazing heart! Thank you for sharing these with us! I pray God blesses you and your family!
You are very welcome, Maria, and we appreciate your prayers! God has already blessed us so abundantly — this website is just one more way of sharing those blessings with others. So glad you’ve found us. 🙂
From an overwhelmed mama of four, THANK YOU for these! What an encouragement you are!
You are so welcome, Jama! I well remember how overwhelmed I felt with four. Keep up the good work. It gets easier as they get older. 🙂
two weeks ago i painstakingly made up responsibility and homeschool tracking charts for my 4 and 5 year old, more to help me see what we fall behind on than for any other reason… tonight i find almost exacty what i spent hours perfecting here – wish i’d checked here first!
Sorry you didn’t find us sooner, Nichole. I guess next time you need a new chart, you’ll know to check here first. 🙂
Thank you so much for all the printables you make available to us! I found you via Pinterest as I was looking for ideas on lesson planning and homeschool organizing. I’m a widowed mom of two and I’m about to make some drastic changes, so organization will be key to be able to balance it all. God bless you and others like you who freely share with others!
You’re so welcome, Orietta. Best wishes for success with those drastic changes. 🙂
Praise the Lord! I love your website Flanders Family! I always seem to find myself going back to your website for encouragement, especially on raising my children. You are a blessing to my family. Happy New Year, and God Bless you all.
Thanks for those kind words, Stephanie. May God’s richest blessings be yours in 2016!
This is awesome…. I thank God for people who are willing to share with others…. Again, Thank you
Thank you for continuing to make your scrapbook calendars available. I love how cute they are! I print them every year and use them for my planner.
You’re so welcome, Melissa. I’m happy you like them!
I’m very new to home schooling, and I came across your site via pintrest and I LOVE the resources! THANK YOU so much for sharing!!
So glad you found us, Amber! Hope you’ll visit regularly. Homeschooling is great. You’re gonna love it!
Ok, I’m not a Christian, so on first look at your sight I didn’t care much for it…
As I looked though, I found many useful resources to help me raise my girlfriend’s granddaughter. Thank you for making this available to all. Thank you.
That’s nice to hear, Daniel. I’m happy you found something helpful here and hope you will visit us again!
Thank you so much! A few yrs back our family was considering moving to Tyler, Tx! However, God had other plans..thank you again for sharing!
I’m a mother of 4, a grandmother of 7, and great-grandmother of 3. I homeschooled my own for a total of 18 years. During this time, We had no internet. I used Usborne mimeograph books a lot. You put a piece of typing paper in and rub with a credit card to make your copy. They were purple and smelled, LOL. Everything else I wrote by hand or typed on an old typewriter. I pray blessings on your ministry. Homeschoolers today don’t know how good they have it!
You are right about that, Denise! I remember those purple mimeographs, too, from my own grade school years. I sometimes used carbon paper for making duplicates when we were just starting out homeschooling. Those desktop copy machines have been such a huge time saver, haven’t they? Thanks for the stroll down memory lane this morning — and for the reminder not to take everday blessings for granted. 🙂
Hi Jennifer thank you for all your hard work for these printables, they are so helpful! Is there anyway I could suggest making calender’s that start in September? Yes we are one of those that start after Labor Day 😉 Thank you for your consideration!
Since this academic calendar still shows all 12 months, starting after Labor Day really shouldn’t matter. We do that some years, ourselves! Some years we school year-round, and this calendar allows for that, as well. Just consider the days before class starts teacher-in-service days and mark them accordingly. View the months after lessons end as vacation days and use them for blocking out summer travel plans or recording field trips you take during time off from school.
Thank you and warm blessing xx
This is the best site I have found so far for printables! I’ve looked everywhere for things like this and you have everything in one place. Thank you so much for putting this all in one place. God Bless you…
Hi wonderful you!
I am so encouraged to find such a wholesome site. Thank you! I wish I had seen your many of your ideas way early!
These are all so wonderful!! Thank you for all of your hard work!!
This is fantastic! Thank you for putting all the time and effort into this!!
Dear Flanders family,
I stumbled upon your website looking for printable worksheets for my son to work on during the summer. He will be in first grade next year. I love your site & the values your family is promoting. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing all of this with us.
Take care!
You’re so welcome, Jamie. I’m glad you found us!
I absolutely LOVE your page and what you have done to offer this to others. God bless you tremendously and thank you for helping us GET ORGANIZED and DISCIPLINED!!
I would love to have as a link on my website/blog, if you don’t mind.
I’d love for you to send your readers our way, Jo Ann. All I ask is that you link only to post pages, not directly to PDF files. I appreciate your enthusiasm and hope my delay in answering hasn’t completely quenched it — your message somehow got buried in my pending comment box and only now resurfaced. So sorry about that! 🙁
Hi Jennifer, Can you e-mail me the ANSWER SHEET to your “Name That Song” Christmas game. Thank you. Eileen McEnaney
I just emailed the whole file to you. The answer key is on the back page of the PDF download.
Can’t download Spanish files but love the site
Hi, Lori.
You may just need a PDF reader. You can download a free version of Adobe here which should do the trick. If not, let me know, and I’ll try to email them to you.
Dear Flanders family-
Thank you so much for this wonderful resource. I came across it via a Google search for a printable list of the bible books. I wish we had this precious resource when raising our own children. They are grown up now with families of their own; all have kept their faith in Christ with two that married unbelievers at the time, but who have both been redeemed. (Whew!)
Thank you once again, and I will surely pass along the good news about The Good News found on your site.
BTW: Please say hello to Ned for me. (wink-wink)
Thanks for writing, Andy. I loved reading the testimony of God’s faithfulness to your family… and your PS made me smile. Although I’ve never actually watched The Simpsons, I’m familiar enough with Ned Flanders to suspect the proper greeting would be hidy-ho, wouldn’t it? 🙂
I know its is only JANUARY 2015. but i have noticed that y’all do not have a 2016+ Year at Glance Calendar yet. and believe it or not they’re isn’t a year at glance calender like yours that I’ve found.
I have used that little 12 month calendar for EVERYTHING. Work, Lesson Plans, vacation/ holiday/ Dr, Apt. plans as well as tracking weight loss throughout the year I’ve been on my diet. I love it! its SO useful!
I sure do hope that y’all decide to update that layout!
Thanks for your great printables!!!
Hi, Kaylan.
So glad you like our calendars! The 2016 calendars have actually been posted to the website already, I just haven’t added them to the printables page yet. You can find them here: https://www.flandersfamily.info/web/mailbag-2016-calendars-for-advanced-planning/
Wow Jennifer! Thank you for making this stuff available. I just found your site and am already a big fan. I love trying to be organized and your printables are inspiring. I just had my 3rd baby, and felt the same way about my time in the hospital. It was very pleasant to have a break and was even able to read a book! Anyways, thanks!
Thanks for your kind words, Deb, and congratulations on your 3rd baby. May God lavish His richest blessings on your family this coming year!
Thanks for your inspiration, and the free stuff!
I have used several of the charts because I am a completely unorganized man. The charts have helped immensely. Thank you sooo much.How about a medication chart reminding oneself to take their meds on time.
I think you’ll find what you’re looking for right here, Gary.
Thanks for all the great printables! I really enjoy reading your blog.
Have you ever considered doing a Yearly Fact Sheet for each child say before their next birthday? Such a sheet that has their age and describes their interests, hobbies, favorite color, favorite activity, challenges they faced, things they accelerate at, goals they reached, etc. for that previous year. I am looking for such a sheet but want to make sure I capture all the right information to either put in a baby book or scrapbook as I document their lives. Have you ever seen such a sheet? Thoughts?
That’s a great idea, Heather. I’m working on one now. Look for it to post over the weekend. And thanks for the inspiration!
I have downloaded several charts but when i try to open them it says cannot open for some reason
I’m guessing you may just need a PDF reader. You can download a free version of Adobe here which should do the trick. If not, let me know which printables you are interested in, and I will try to email them to you.
Thank you for sharing all of your hard work with the rest of us. I have looked through your site and absolutely love having a Faith-based family myself. It’s wonderful to see how much you and your family love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. THANK YOU again for sharing all that you have. It is a wonderful resource!
Thank you so much for putting these charts online and for free. I run a parenting success group and will use these with my parents. Very kind and generous of you.
So glad we could help, Keith. Blessings on your work!
thank you so, so much you have helped me a lot…. GOD bless you all for sharing your life with us
Shared your website with our children’s pastor …he will love it!
Wow great! I saved a few that I want to print them specially for my nephew who my mom takes care of him while my sister works…
Thanks so much for having some of these printables in Spanish. It will really help in our bilingual family! Sometimes it’s hard to find good resources my wife comprehends easily too.
You are so welcome, Thorleif. We hope to add more in the future.
I only have 3 left at home but my oldest has begun her family and wants at least 5 so this will be helpful to her as well…I am not naturally an organized person so I am looking forward to what you so kindly have taken the time to prepare AND SHARE with us to use in my family. Thank you!
Lots and lots of great info, and now I know who God gave my portion of patience to!
This is awesome! Thank you so much for helping my family of five kiddos get organized, set goals and learn to be responsible. My husband and I are at our wits ends and this helps us see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes when you are “in the box” it is hard to see out of the box and your site and printable pages are exactly what we needed. God bless you and yours!
this is awesome thank you thank you thank you
You’re so welcome, Heather. Blessings to you!
Do you use a specific software to develop your printables? I love how you have done them.
Thanks, Cherie. The early, simpler ones were done in Microsoft Word. Most of my more recent (somewhat prettier) printables were created using Pages for Mac.
Are all your free printables on Pintrest? Thanks, Nancy
A few of the “pretty” ones are, Nancy, but by no means all. A lot of the printables offered on our site are very plain but practical. They wouldn’t necessarily make for a popular pin, but they’re great for practicing addition facts, tracking reading progress, making lesson plans, scheduling your calendar, etc. I do have a bulletin board on Pinterest devoted to free printables, but only a few of those pins are from my own site. All my original printables eventually make it onto my free printables page, so as to make them easier to find… but I will admit it sometimes takes me several months to update it with the newest printables I’ve published.
Thanks for the free printables! My family is trying to get better organized this year. I was excited to find spreadsheet with ideas and samples that made it not seem as stressful for me.
Working for me hon. Popping up in Adobe. Thanks!!
Thanks for letting me know, Terri. I’ll suggest using Adobe to folks who are having problems with opening the PDFs.
These are some of the BEST printables I’ve found. A friend shared the appropriate chores list on Facebook and that’s how I found you. LOVE your site. Subscribing and following you on Twitter!
I can’t get the free printables to come up either. =( It opens a new window but it’s completely blacked out.
I’m so sorry, Kristina. I’m not sure why that is happening. Does that happen on all of them, or just the one you are trying to print? If it affects every printable, I think the problem must be on your end. If its only one or two, I may need to tweak something on this end. If you will send me the name of the file(s) you’re wanting to print, I’ll see if I can fix it right away or email you the PDFs you want.
I can’t get the printables to download.
Can you open the PDFs you want to print? If so, once the file is opened, just hit “print” to print immediately or “save” if you want to print later. I’ve never heard of anybody being unable to do it that way before.
i can’t get them to open or anything
You might try downloading Adobe Acrobat or some other PDF reader if you don’t already have one. You can follow this link to get a free copy: http://www.adobe.com/products/reader.html
A ton of detailed and well thought out lists! thank you so much for sharing 🙂
I can’t say thank you enough for all the time and effort that you have put into this. You have made it incredibly easy to get pretty much anything your looking for all in one spot. God Bless you and yours!!!
This is a great site! It has really helped our family out!
So glad to hear that, Cindy. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi. Would you share what type of software you use to create the charts. I would like to use some, but edit specific chores a bit for my individual children.
The older B&W text charts were all done on a PC using Microsoft Word. Most of my newer color charts and graphics were done on a Mac using a program called Pages.
This really helped me and my family. Thank you! 🙂
I believe this is the most productive and encouraging site I have ever visited! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! God BLESS!
I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am having run upon your site!!!! I shared it on facebook and will return often! Love, Love, Love everything! God bless and keep you always!
Thanks, I printed the books of the Bible out so I can remember them.
Do you have any attendance charts for homeschool kids that I don’t see? Thanks
I just use my academic calendar as our attendance chart. I use different colors to highlight the planned school days/vacation days at the beginning of the year, then check off the days we school as the year progresses. If you’re looking for a separate sheet for each student, you might try this one by Beverly Hernandez.
Thank you so much. The one from Beverly Hernandez is perfect. Thank you. I am also looking for a good report card/progress report form. Again unable to locate. Thanks If anyone knows of a good printable site.
Here’s a free printable for one I created for my kids:
Homeschool Report Card – Front/Back Cover and Inside Pages.
If you are on a semester (rather than a quarterly) grading schedule, you might check out the report card options offered at Just for Mommies. Or take a look at Donna Young’s printables. She has a ton of no-frills charts to choose from.
Wow!! I’m really impressed!! I wish I were so organized!!! I’m on my way, though!!
Thank you!!
Such a wealth of useful tools here! 🙂 Thank you, thank you, thank you! These resources are so helpful in getting my home and schedule organized.
Thank you so much for your website. I use your menu planner and other printables as needed. I always get some sort of needed encouragement when I’m here looking around!
God bless you and thank you for sharing these….they are very helpful :O)