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Free Printable Christmas Tracts

Free Printable Christmas Gospel Tracts

Our first-ever Christmas-Themed Gospel Tract Contest has now officially ended. As in the Halloween Tract Contest we sponsored earlier this year, we were thrilled with all the creative ideas readers sent in. Here’s a sampling of the entries we received:

Christmas Tract Contest Entries

You’ll find polished versions of the award winning designs below. Although they are pictured in color, they will print black and white. We always use colored copy paper or card stock to print ours. If you like the bright, colorful versions, you’ll want to do the same.

Ideas for Using these free printable Christmas Tracts

There are lots of ways to use these tracts during the Christmas season. For instance, you could…

I’m sure you can think of even more uses. (Feel free to share your ideas in the comments below.)

And now, without further adieu, we’d like to announce our contest winners. Again, it was impossible to narrow it down to just three. We ended up with a couple of ties. Here’s the run down:

1st Place (tie): The Best Gift of All

A full 50% of the entries we received revolved around the “Jesus is the best gift of all” theme. That’s understandable, because it is 100% true!

What set this design by Nathan S. apart from all the others, though, was the excellent artwork. He drew it all himself, and submitted such high-resolution copies that I was able to use all of it on the final version of this tract. Isn’t it beautiful?

Free Printable Christmas Tracts


Free Printable Christmas Tracts
[click on either image to download B&W copy]

1st Place (tie): Can Rudolph Light the Way?

We thought this clever design by Kate D. was adorable and so smart. We loved all the Scripture she used to tie the theme together, too!

Kate splits the $300 first-place prize with Nathan.

Free Printable Christmas Tracts


Free Printable Christmas Tracts
[click on either image to download B&W copy]

2nd Place (tie): Do Reindeer Really Fly?

This eye-catching tract by Sarah B. takes a similar tack. It uses a secular notion of Christmas to draw readers in and point them to the real reason we celebrate.

Sarah splits the $200 second prize with the next contest winner.

Free Printable Christmas Tracts


Free Printable Christmas Tracts
[click on either image to download B&W copy]

2nd Place (tie): All about A Gift

The little girl who submitted this well-articulated idea is only 9 years old. Her name is Jane D. Didn’t she do a fabulous job designing her gospel tract?

Free Printable Christmas Tracts


Free Printable Christmas Tracts
[click on either image to download B&W copy]

3rd Place: Counting Snowflakes

Micah S. won the 3rd place prize of $100 for his Snowflake-themed gospel tract. Since this one is not so overtly about Christmas, you can use it all winter long — even after the holidays are over.

Free Printable Christmas Tracts

Free Printable Christmas Tracts
[click on either image to download B&W copy]

Bonus Tract: The Reason for the Season

This last free printable Christmas tract isn’t a contest winner; it’s just a bonus for our readers. After reading through all the great contest submissions we received, I couldn’t resist designing a tract of my own. Here’s what I came up with. The maxims aren’t orignial, but they are certainly true:

Free Printable Christmas Tracts


Free Printable Christmas Tracts
[click on either image to download B&W copy]
That’s all for now! We hope you’ll enjoy sharing these Christmas gospel tracts. And we pray that you and those you love will have a merry and meaningful holiday season!

More Printable Gospel Tracts

If you like these free printable tracts, you’re going to love the newest print pack I just added to our shop. It’s my Complete Collection of Gospel Tract Printables, all compiled and ready for you to download in a single click — 50 designs in all.

Granted, you can download most of these designs individually for free on our website, but if you’d rather save time and get them right away, just click on the image below to learn more!

Complete Collection of Gospel Tracts

Christmas Themed Gospel Tracts

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  1. Thank you so much. It is a joy to share the good news and the Christmas gospel tracts are exactly what I had in mind to give out this Christmas. Bless you and your work in this area!

  2. Great ideas for ways to spread the gospel this Christmas! I work in a school and try to use a new idea each year for a little gift with a message to glorify Jesus. Here are a few I have done in the past: https://nolongerlukewarm.com/2021/12/05/5-ideas-for-little-christmas-gifts-that-glorify-jesus/. This year, I’m doing Reisen chocolate caramels with a message about the “Reisen” for the Season. I like how your tracts incorporate the gospel, so I’m taking some inspiration from you this year. God bless you and Merry Christmas 2022!

  3. Thank you so much for making these available for free. Every year (since God convicted me) at Halloween we pass out big candy with gospel tracts on them. So glad to find these that don’t contain an unbiblical sinner’s prayer.

    1. I’m so glad you did! Thanks for the good work you do with Awana. Hope you all have a wonderful birthday party!

  4. I love your website. My family and friends love playing your printouts. We have so much fun during the holidays. Happy holiday and may God continue to bless you and your family.

    1. I’m so glad to hear that, Helen. Thanks for taking time to write and tell me so. Hope you all have a blessed Christmas!

  5. Thank you for these free printable Christmas Gospel cards.

    I plan to share these and give to neighbors.

    A Blessed Christ Season of love, healing and redemption to all!
    Shalom to you and the whole family.

  6. Wondering if you offer printed copies of the tracts for sale? My personal testimony is that I picked up a tract in the school parking lot when I was in 6th grade, read it while walking home, and prayed to receive Christ as Savior that afternoon 😀

    Enjoy your column in the newspaper – always interesting and encouraging ; )

    In His service,

    1. I LOVE that testimony, Robin. Thanks so much for sharing! It’s a great illustration of the promise God makes concerning His Word: “It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11) That’s one reason we try to include lots of scripture in our tracts — because we know that “the word of God is living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

      As for selling pre-printed copies of our tracts, we aren’t really set up to do that right at present, although it is something we may consider in the future, as we’ve had several requests from readers to do so. In the meantime, you can save time/hassle by doing what we sometimes do and sending the PDF files for the tract you want to print to Office Depot or Kinko’s. For an additional fee, they’ll even cut and fold them for you, although our family usually does that part ourselves. 🙂

      Say hello to your family for us, Robin. Take care (and stay warm)!

        1. Absolutely, Robin. That’s why we make them available. Print as many as you need. I don’t have them all collected in one place yet, but I think you should be able to see all the ones we currently have available by following these links:

          We plan to add more in the future. And your letter lets me know I need to update my page at Prescott Publishing to include all our newer designs. Thanks for that reminder!

    1. Yes, Sonya. They are all in B&W. You pick the color by using colored paper. I try to make most of my printables that way, because I agree printing in color is too expensive.

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