Free Printable Trick-or-Treat Tracts
Our family has handled Halloween in a variety of ways over the years. When our kids were younger, we tried to avoid it. Now we try to redeem it. And these free printable trick-or-treat tracts are a big part of how we go about it.
We live in a neighborhood that attracts hundreds and hundreds of trick-or-treaters every Halloween. Our first year here, we had over a thousand knock on our door before we turned off the porch lights and called it a night.
In our minds, this is an amazing opportunity. It’s like reverse door-to-door evangelism: we stay home and the people come to us!
Approaching Halloween with a Missional Mindset
That’s why I design a new gospel tract every year to drop into all those pumpkin buckets and pillow cases along with the candy we pass out. Want some Halloween tracts to pass out to your own trick-or-treaters? Scroll down and take your pick from the 10 designs we’ve published to date.
In light of all the tragedies America has faced lately, I thought the messaging on this year’s tract would be especially timely. Kids watch news reports, too. And they sometimes worry about the state of affairs far more than we realize. Kids need to know that when we trust in Jesus, we have nothing to fear.
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.” – Psalm 23:4
God’s Word says:
- “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.” – Isaiah 41:10
- “Give all your worries and cares to God, because He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
- “Be anxious for nothing; instead, pray about everything.” – Phil. 4:6
- “Fear not, I will help you.” – Isaiah 41:13
- “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.” – Matthew 6:34
Do cats really have 9 lives?
It may sometimes seem like they do. People, on the other hand, have only one life to live. So we’d better make it count — and be mindful that we must one day give account for how we spent it.

Do you want a trick or a treat?
Whereas Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus comes that we may have life more abundantly. Picking between the two should be an easy choice, right?

Who can defeat the powers of darkness?
Jesus is the light of the world. In Him, there is no darkness at all. He has defeated sin, death, and the grave. And He calls us out of darkness, to walk in His glorious light.

We are living in troubled times
… but don’t let that haunt you! Instead, we want to urge kids — and parents — to give all their cares to Christ today. That’s the message of this first tract in a nutshell.

Our King is Generous and Good
Most years we package our tracts in a small bag of candy. But on the years we use this tract, we pass out full-size candy bars, instead. And you should see the kids’ eyes light up when they see them. God has always been generous to us, and we want to reflect His generosity to others.

Are Zombies Real?
This design by Kate D. tied for 1st place in a Gospel Tract competition we sponsored recently. We think her idea is so clever and love the hand-drawn zombie inside! It’s message? Don’t remain among the “walking dead” — accept the new life Christ offers instead!

What Do You Live For?
Sharing 1st place (and the $300 prize) is this design by Sarah B. She asks a very important question — and did a great job drawing that stash of candy! We are hoping this tract will help give trick-or-treaters an eternal perspective.

Do You Know How to “Rest in Peace?”
In these troubled times, lots of people are searching for pease. And the acrostic Selah T. came up with for her contest entry tells them exactly where to find it! This Halloween tract tied for 2nd with the design below it.

Don’t Get Spooked
We love the fact Eli K. packed so much Scripture into his Halloween tract. Especially since we know God’s word never returns void, but accomplishes the purpose for which it was sent. Eli shares 2nd place (and the $200 prize money) with Selah T.

Jesus is No Frankenstein
Here’s another clever analogy in a design submitted by Micah S. The $100 3rd place prize goes entirely to him. Frankenstein was a monstrous mess; Jesus is a miraculous Messiah. Frankenstein, fiction; Jesus, fact. There is really no comparison.

Instructions for printing these Halloween tracts
Want to print a stack of trick-or-treat tracts to share with the costumed kiddies who come to your door? Just click on any of the images above (or text links below) to download a black & white copy of that particular tract. We print our trick-or-treat tracts on colored paper to brighten things up.
Each design prints four copies per sheet, so you’ll need to cut the tracts apart and fold along the center after printing. We zip ours into snack-sized bags with a handful of candy. This makes it easy for our trick-or-treaters to grab and go.
To review, here’s a quick-reference list of the ten trick-or-treat tracts we’ve published to date. As you can see, you have lots of designs to choose from:
Trick-or-Treat Tracts (in English):
- We are living in troubled times — but don’t let that haunt you.
- Do you want a trick or a treat?
- Who can defeat the powers of darkness? Whooo?
- Please accept this king-sized candy bar!
- Do cats really have 9 lives?
- Are zombies real?
- What do you live for?
- Do you know how to rest in peace?
- It’s easy to get spooked on a night like this.
- Frankenstein rose from the dead in the movies
Trick-or-Treat Tracts (in Spanish):
We live in Texas, so we see our share of Spanish-speaking trick-or-treaters, too. I’ve translated a few of our Halloween tracts into Spanish now to share with them. Here’s what we have available so far (hopefully, with more coming soon):
- ¿Quiere un Truco o un Dulce? (Do you want a trick or a treat?)
- Estamos viviendo en Tiempos Temerosos (We are living in troubled times)
More Printable Gospel Tracts
If you like these free printable tracts, you’re going to love the newest print pack I just added to our shop. It’s my Complete Collection of Gospel Tract Printables, all compiled and ready for you to download in a single click — 50 designs in all.
Granted, you can download most of these designs individually for free on our website, but if you’d rather save time and get them right away, just click on the image below to learn more!
Live in the country far away from trick-or-treating neighbors? Prefer to skip Halloween altogether? Then you might be interested in turning the day into a history lesson instead. You’ll find our favorite resources for celebrating Reformation Day here.
Good day, Doug and Jennifer. I printed several of your Halloween tracts and stuffed ziploc bags with them just before the T&Ts arrived. Thanks to your efforts, we sowed some more truth into hearts and minds in Iroquois Falls, ON Canada.
The only other feedback to offer is that when I printed them, some versions (Zombies, Troubling Times, Rest in Peace?, Feeling Spooked?) printed with the back page offset just slightly. It resulted in some text being cut off on the back page or shifted onto an adjacent tract page. I printed from an iPad and ensured that ‘Minimize margins’ was not selected so as to keep the text unchanged. I still got enough from each printed page. Thanks again for helping us to praise the Saviour !
So sorry you had trouble printing a few of the designs, Aaron. For some reason, printing directly from the file online causes some folks issues, so next year, try downloading the designs to your computer first, then opening the PDF files from there to print. That extra step will normally take care of the problem.
Thanks a lot for sharing this. We used some cool tracks like this a few years ago and I was looking for something to use. So glad I found this. Definitely using it today and spreading with my church as well. God bless!
You’re so welcome. I’m glad you found us, too, and pray God will bless your efforts to share the good news with those who need it!
I’m in Melbourne Australia and from a Pentecostal church. Halloween is gaining popularity (still frowned upon by most Aussies as it is seen as an American thing) and kids go along my street every year (except last year cos Covid) for treats. I also see it as a great chance to evangelise in a non-traditional way, especially in a day and age where the church is not open and unable to gather. It’s time to bring Jesus to the masses I say. Thank you for this great resource, I’ll be using it this year! And maybe every year!
You’re so welcome, Mabel. It makes me so happy to know that children in The Land Down Under will be receiving our tracts this year (and maybe next year, too ?)!
I used one of your tracts last year Jennifer, and I’m using one again this year. I’m in Australia too! :o)
Hooray, Debbie. I’m happy to hear it. Hope your little trick-or-treaters — and their parents — will read and take them to heart. <3
Hello Jennifer,
I really like your Halloween tracts for children and would like to use them. But, when I click on them to print, the main words on the front page are missing. What am I doing wrong, and how can I get them to show up in order to print?
Thank you!
I can’t imagine what the problem is with our Halloween tracts. I don’t remember that ever happening before! I just sent you a couple of the PDFs by email. If they come through alright but are not the style you wanted, let me know and I’ll send you the other that way, too.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing. We currently live in a neighborhood and get 100s of kids so I’ll be using these. Thank you!
Yay! I’m so happy to hear it. And you’re very welcome!
I am glad I am not in the Army on Hawaii!
Ha! It’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live here!
This is awesome. I typically keep my lights off during halloween and let people pass by my house. This year I have decided to participate but only if I give Gospel Tracts. This sight is such a blessing. Thank you, Thank you, thank you.
Hooray, Kimberly! I’m so happy to hear that. God promises His Word will not return void but will accomplish what He desires and will achieve the purpose for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11). That’s why I’ve packed lots of scripture into every one of our gospel tracts. Even now, I am praying for the little trick-or-treaters you’ll be sharing them with this year!
I have been thinking all week that I wanted to do something to add a little Light on this dark holiday. I googled “Free PDF Gospel tract Halloween” and your site came up!
Thanks so much for creating and sharing these! I am printing some now!
May the Lord bless you for your work for the Kingdom!
You’re so welcome, Jen. I’m glad you found us — and just in time, right?
I found you because I was looking for tracts to put in these Harvest (aka Halloween) treat bags and your site come up as a resource. I literally am sitting here with my mouth open as I see you and your beautiful 12 kids. Blessings to all of you. Just wanted to say hello and God bless!
I’m glad you found us, Dr. Prather. Thanks for all your kind, encouraging words!
Thanks so much fr these. We are handing them out with goody bags being delivered to all our kids for a zoom Hallelujah party on Friday.
That sounds fantastic, Merv. So glad we can be a part of that outreach!
Thank you for making these leaflets available. I am using them in the UK
You’re welcome, Sara. I’m so happy to hear it!
THANK YOU,THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Printing out 50 of them to hand out here in Colorado SPrings, CO. What a blessing these are!
You’re most welcome, Leo. Happy to hear some kids in Colorado Springs will be getting our tracts, too.
Last year we started a neighborhood Halloween time for all who pass by. We provide cider and candy, a simple game to win big candy bars, pass out tracts, and share a smile. Thank you for making these available!
You’re welcome, Darryl. I love your outreach idea. Way to engage your neighbors and shine the light and love of Christ!
Thank you so much! I’ve felt convicted regarding Halloween for our family for years and we are no longer participating. I hope to shed God’s love and word this year. Please pray for us!
We’ll do that, Regina. We have friends on both sides of the issue — those who choose not to celebrate at all and those who use it as an opportunity to share the gospel. We respect both positions and urge readers to be obedient to what God is convicting them to do in regards to Halloween. (And, for those who choose sharing-the-gospel route, we try to make that as easy as possible with a slew of free printables!)
Hi thanks for your Halloween tracts – there fantastic I print them up ( 3rd year running) and make them available at our church to hand out with candy Cheers Chris Ballarat Australia
I cannot begin to tell you how much it warms our hearts to know our tracts are being passed out in Austrailia, Chris. Thanks for sharing that with us!
Those are very clever!
Thanks, Katheryn. Glad you like them!
I printed the Troubled Times tract to put in with our bags of candy treats on Halloween for our neighborhood kids. Thanks so much for providing these free. May the Lord bless you for sharing your talent with words with others.
You’re so welcome, Abby. I’m always delighted to hear our tracts are being printed and used around the country and the globe!
Thank you for these tracts with Scripture and interesting graphics. Please pray as we pass them out to our neighborhood visitors on Oct 31st. We live in an area with people from many nations and this may be their first introduction to Jesus and God’s Word. Thank you for blessing us and our neighborhood!
I’ll do that, Hannah! And you’re very welcome.
Thank you so much for providing this wonderful resource! These are colorful, clear to the point; creative in their approach. I’ll be using these to reach out to my after-school groups, as well as their friends. Thanks again and God bless you!!!
You’re so welcome, Deborah. I’m happy to hear they’re being used. You can find five brand new designs here: Trick-or-Treat Tracts
These are wonderful! Praise God! I never want to miss an opportunity to witness to children and Halloween is the perfect time, because the children are coming to us! These tracks you have made are great! You have thought of everything in making it so easy to print. Thank you so much and someday, you will see how many souls are in heaven because God used these tracks to reach them…… all because you obeyed to put them here for free! Well done! – Pastor Judy
Thanks for all the encouragement, Pastor Judy! I hadn’t thought of it in those terms before — but we do know that God’s Word does not return to Him void. And we’re praying God’s eternal blessings upon all our little trick-or-treaters tonight!
Thank you so much, I will be printing some out and will be handing them out to anyone coming to our door. Just wanted to say, I wouldn’t feel it right to offer sweets (candy, I live in the UK!). I think I will say, “I don’t celebrate Halloween but because I celebrate Jesus I want to give you this. Please take it home and read it and if you would like to come back with a grown-up to ask me anything you like, please do.”
I love your idea of inviting them to come back with a grown-up if they have questions, Miryam. Let me know if you have any takers!
Thank you so much for these! We are looking forward to handing these out on Tuesday!
You’re welcome, Jamie. I’m glad to hear it!
These are awesome witnessing tools and will be great to use this Halloween. Thank you for making these possible.