Important Numbers List (Free Printable)

Important Numbers List

If you are anything like me, you’ve grown so dependent on speed dialing that you can no longer rattle off the important telephone numbers of the people you call most frequently.

Sure, I know my husband’s phone number and my mother’s; however, my older children have swapped phones and changed numbers so often that I usually just rely on my iPhone to track them down when I need to talk to them.

But sometimes my iPhone isn’t on me. Sometimes it’s out of juice. And if I need to make a call to a number I’ve not committed to memory, I’m out of luck!

Which is what prompted me to make my newest printable:

Free printable for keeping track of important phone numbers -- great for babysitters, Sunday school classes, and faltering memories!
[click on image to print]

Do you remember keeping little handwritten directories before the advent of smart phones, laptops, and automatic re-dial? I do.

I don’t need or want an entire address book (with alphabetical tabs down the side binding) anymore, but I think it’s nice to have a handwritten record of a few choice numbers I don’t want to forget. For easy reference, I keep a copy in the back of my notebook/day planner.

This printable also works for recording contact information for babysitters, so they’ll be able to reach anyone they need in case of an emergency (or a massive toddler meltdown). It’s likewise handy for scout leaders, Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, or anybody who must regularly contact small groups of people.

Even if you intend to plug all the phone numbers straight into your phone for use with group texting, you might want to hang onto the hard copy, just in case your speed dial fails….

Life Balance Bundle

Important Numbers List

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