Choosing a Curriculum your Children will Love

Choosing curriculum can be a daunting task. There are so many different programs available, and deciding on one is often fraught with difficulties.

Whether you do research online or attend a book fair or pick the brains of a seasoned homeschooler, it’s important to choose books that fit both the learning style of your students as well as your own personality as their teacher. Below is a list of our family’s favorite time-tested resources, along with the reasons we like them.

One word of caution: If you’ve already found a program that works well for your family, stick with it. That’s not to say that the programs you haven’t tried aren’t great or that you shouldn’t switch if what you’re using isn’t working at a particular stage or age. But you’ll waste a tremendous amount of time, money, and energy if you abandon your current curriculum every time a new one hits the market.

Choose a curriculum that caters to your child’s learning style

Below are a few of our favorite resources for teaching a variety of subjects, from preschool through high school.

Teaching READING

  • Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
    Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

    All our older kids learned to read using this very simple program. The lessons are scripted and take only 10-15 minutes to complete.

    We start this book as soon as one of our children shows an interest in learning to read or in “doing school”–usually around age four, give or take a couple of years. By the time the child finishes the 100th lesson, he’ll be reading at a second grade level and ready for Pathway Readers below.

    And as an added bonus, this book is non-consumable and can be reused for younger siblings (although our original copy eventually fell apart and had to be replaced).

  • Funnix Reading
    Funnix Reading Program

    For the past couple of years, we’ve been using Funnix to teach our younger children to read. This CD computer program was developed by Zig Englemann (the same researcher who wrote 100 Easy Lessons). It is formatted in such a way that I can easily use it teach more than one child at the same time, and our kids love the interactive nature of the stories and reading activities.

    One of our children who had always struggled with reading worked through this program, too, and jumped four grade levels in reading ability in just a year’s time. The associated worksheets and storybooks can be printed off PDF files included with the program, or you can purchase those items pre-printed and bound for a nominal fee.

  • Pathway Readers

    This set of readers are designed for 1st-8th grades and are full of engaging stories that teach good moral values without sounding preachy. Very reasonably priced workbooks are available for each title, which we’ve used from time to time, depending on the child’s enthusiasm (some of our kids LOVE workbooks, but others… not so much) and what other language arts curriculum I happen to be working through with siblings at the time. Workbook activities include grammar and vocabulary exercises and comprehension questions. I especially like the workbooks for the earlier grades.

First Grade Reader
First Grade Reader
First Grade Reader
Second Grade Reader
Second Grade Reader
Second Grade Reader
Third Grade Reader
Third Grade Reader
Fourth Grade Reader
Fifth Grade Reader
Sixth Grade Reader
Seventh Grade Reader
  • ABeka Read and Think
    These books contain short reading passages followed by a series of questions to be completed in a timed drill of three to five minutes. This is a quick and easy way to improve reading comprehension, as well as to prepare for standardized assessment tests. There are three books in the series, designed for grade levels 4-6, although if your child has never taken timed tests before, this can provide helpful training even for older students.
  • The Gift of Dyslexia
    A very helpful book about Dyslexia which outlines a proven method for overcoming struggles in learning to read.
  • A Workbook for Dyslexics
    This is another effective resource we’ve used with great success to help our struggling readers gain mastery and confidence in decoding the written word.

Teaching MATH

  • Horizons Math
    My little ones really enjoy the colorful workbooks Horizons Math sells for kindergarten and early elementary. We’ve used these transitionally until our kids were ready to start Saxon 54 (usually around third grade).
Horizons K
Horizons 1
Horizons 2
Horizons 3
  • Saxon Math

    In my opinion, Saxon is unparalleled for its upper elementary through high school math programs. The material is laid out in a very straightforward manner, with lots of mental math tips and practice, and lots of drills and review to ensure mastery.With very rare exception, Saxon explains new concepts exactly like I would explain them myself, so this has been a great fit for me as a teacher. Some kids will complain about the amount of daily homework, but if they understand the material, they can work through the problems quickly, and if they don’t, then they probably need the extra practice.The upper level courses will effectively prepare students for college level work. In fact, we’ve had kids easily CLEP out of College Algebra after finishing Saxon Algebra 2, with no additional study or review. They’ve likewise earned CLEP credit for pre-Calculus and Calculus after completing Saxon Advanced Math and Calculus, respectively.New Saxon “Home School” Editions are available now, but I still teach from the old editions I’ve been using for twenty-five years (pictured below). There is also a Math 87 book that I’ve had most of my kids test out of before beginning Algebra. A stand-alone Saxon Geometry course has recently been added, as well, but I’ve not tried it. A full year’s worth of Geometry concepts and practice was incorporated into the older editions of Saxon Algebra and Advanced Math in an effort to keep formulas fresh and familiar for students taking SAT and ACT exams. I didn’t like the way Saxon did that at first, but after having successfully taught so many using the integrated books, I really admire his wisdom in arranging the material as he did.

Saxon 54
Saxon 65
Saxon 76
Saxon Algebra 1/2
Saxon Algebra 1
Saxon Algebra 2
Saxon Advanced Math
Saxon Calculus

Teaching SCIENCE

  • Apologia Science
    We absolutely love Apologia’s upper level science texts. Author J.L. Wile writes from a Christian creationist worldview, but takes great pains to provide a fair, balanced, and detailed understanding of Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, without which a student’s science education could scarcely be called complete.


    Apologia also offers second-year, advanced-level textbooks for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, but with the exception of Anatomy & Physiology (Adv. Biology), we have not thus far done any of those. Our older kids began taking dual-credit courses in the Biology and Chemistry departments at our local junior college during their senior year of high school, having only completed the first-year levels of Apologia Biology and Chemistry beforehand.

    Apologia’s basic science texts more than adequately prepared them for college-level work (and this, despite the fact that we’d completed very few of the assigned labs at home). Three of our kids have now graduated with high honors from state schools, each with a BS in Biology. Moreover, one was named Chemistry Student of the Year at Tyler Junior College (at age 16), two were named Organic Chemistry Students of the Year UT Tyler, one taught Supplemental Instruction Classes in Organic Chemistry while attending A&M, two were hired to work as lab instructors in the biology department at TJC. (UPDATE as of 4/7/2015: We currently have two children in dental school, one in medical school, one in nursing school, and another who is studying Civil Engineering — and they all started with Apologia science and Saxon Math.)

  • Exploring the World of Science Series

    If you have a child who loves science, you might consider investing in these supplemental books. About 150 pages each, they present historical vignettes related to each field of study. Comprehension questions follow each short chapter. One of my sons read the first in the series (which I had assigned) and begged me to buy the other titles so that he could read them on his own, in addition to his other schoolwork.

  • More Than Meets the Eye
    This book, by Dr. Richard Swenson, is one of my husband’s personal favorites. He read it aloud to the family during our nightly story time several years ago, and we all thoroughly enjoyed it, as well. The first half of the book is about human anatomy and physiology and the second half focuses on astrophysics. That may sound like heady stuff, but it is really a delightful and easy-to-understand read, written from the perspective of a Christian physician awed by the wonders, intricacies, and expansiveness of God’s creation. We’ve bought more copies of this book than I can count to give as gifts.

Teaching HISTORY

  • The Story of the World
    This four-volume set is great for getting little ones excited about history — especially if you use the corresponding activity guide that goes with each book. When my eight year old saw me working on this curriculum page and noticed the Story of the World books on it, his eyes immediately brightened and he voluntarily launched into a detailed description of all the stories he remembered from the last time we worked through them, several years back. That makes me so happy, I’m ready to start the series all over again, so that his younger siblings might catch that same enthusiasm!
  • The History of the World Series
    Susan Wise Bauer (the author of the above set of books) has now begun work on a series of books for older students, as well. Two volumes are currently in print: History of the Ancient World and The History of the Medieval World. Our high schoolers have already started on these and are eagerly awaiting the next installments.
  • Genevieve Foster books
    Genevieve Foster does a wonderful job placing historical figures in context. Find out who were the contemporaries of Augustus Caesar, Christopher Columbus, George Washington, and others, and learn what was going on in other parts of the world during the years of each man’s life. I’ve read this set aloud to my children three times now, although this is the first year we’ve been able to add The World of William Penn to the list, as it was out of print for some time and more difficult to find.
  • WORLD Magazine
    We trust World Magazine to keep our family informed about current events. The kids call dibs on who gets to read new issues first. I usually am the last one to get my hands on it these days, but when the children were younger (and I was the one retrieving the mail), I would read through it cover to cover before passing it on, marking articles I wanted them to read, highlighting vocabulary words for them to look up, and jotting down questions for further discussion. A yearly subscription is a great investment (especially if you are like me and don’t have time to read the paper or watch the news) and is now available both in print and e-versions.


  • Sheppard Software
    Sheppard Software is a free online program packed with all sorts of educational games, but our favorites are the geography drills. The year we first discovered this site, two of our sons finished first and second in our homeschool group’s Geography Bee, and the primary thing they did to prepare for the competition was master the geography facts presented on this site.
  • Seterra Geography Games
    This site is extensive. It boasts over 400 free map games in more than 40 languages. You can play online or download their app or even print out maps, quizzes, and reviews to do offline.
  • US States and Capitals Songs
    Eight very catchy songs that teach all the States and Capitals of the US in such a way (northern border, southern border, eastern border, and central states) that kids who learn the state names can easily identify them on a unlabeled map, as well. We pack this tape in the car for listening/ reviewing US geography on long road trips.
  • Sing Around the World
    This volume of geography songs covers continents and oceans, plus all the countries of each geographical region. The tunes are fun and make learning easy.
  • Maps, Charts and Graphs
    These workbooks teach map reading skills in a way my kids really enjoy. We’ve only used selected volumes, but I have a couple of boys who’d likely finish the entire set before it’s all said and done.
  • You Can Change the World
    I think this two volume set may now be out of print, but you can still sometimes find copies on Amazon. Each page features a different people group with information about the country in which they live, their customs, and their needs. Children are given specific needs to pray for each group.


  • Sequential Spelling
    Some people seem to be naturally good spellers. For those who aren’t, Sequential Spelling is a God-send. This program has taken those of our children who struggled in spelling and helped them achieve success where many other programs had brought only tears and frustration. We saw amazing and rapid improvement not only in spelling, but in reading and writing abilities, as well, after switching to this program. There is even a Sequential Spelling for Adults, for older students who need to brush up on this important skill. I will be ever-grateful to my friend who first recommended Sequential Spelling to me, as you will be, too, once you’ve tried it.


  • Sonlight Curriculum
    Sonlight provides a wonderful plan for studying history and literature in an integrated fashion. Be warned, there is a LOT of reading associated with this program, both for the parent (reading aloud) and for the students (reading independently). If your family already loves to read, you should definitely consider using Sonlight, because it will be a natural fit. If not, you should still consider this program, as nothing is more likely to turn kids into avid readers than being assigned vivid, well-crafted, and engaging “living books” instead of dry, boring textbooks. Through Sonlight, our family has not only gotten to read (and re-read) classic old favorites, but we’ve also found many new and delightful treasures we may never have discovered had they not been assigned by this program.


  • Easy Grammar
    This very thorough grammar course groups topics according to the part of speech they involve. Extensive practice is given on each concept introduced, with multiple worksheets provided to ensure mastery.
  • Daily Grams
    Each “Daily Gram” consists of a short, five-minute exercise designed to reinforce and review grammar rules and conventions. These books were designed to accompany Wanda Phillip’s Easy Grammar books, but can easily be used to supplement other programs, as well, or to retain knowledge during summer vacation. Older children can check their own work using the answer key provided in the back of the book.
  • Learning Language Arts through Literature
    The lessons in Learning Language Arts through Literature are built around short passages from classic literature taken from dictation (or assigned as copy work), then dissected and examined in a fashion that teaches vocabulary, spelling, and various rules of grammar. The program adapts easily to multi-level teaching and provides a nice change of pace from more traditional grammar workbooks. It is similar in structure to Sonlight’s Language Arts program, and we’ve used it on years we weren’t doing Sonlight, but I can see no reason or advantage to working through both concurrently.
  • Editor-in-Chief These books are published by the Critical Thinking Company and give excellent practice in proofreading. Each exercise contains a brief news article, story, or mock advertisement that is riddled with grammatical errors. Students are told how many mistakes are present and instructed to first find and correct them, then rewrite the passage incorporating those corrections.
  • Better Sentence Structure Through Diagraming We do just the first book in this Basic Skills series on sentence diagraming, sometime around middle school, just because I always loved diagramming sentences way back when I was in school, and I don’t want my children to miss out, as many books don’t teach it at all any more.
  • 1100 Words You Need to Know
    We’ve used this vocabulary program for SAT prep. A new word list is introduced each week, followed by five short exercises (one per day) to help teach and reinforce them.


  • A Reason for Handwriting
    These colorful workbooks combine letter-formation practice with longer copy work. Templates are included in the back of the book for writing longer passages and coloring illumined borders. It has a nice balance, and the children with whom I’ve used this program have enjoyed it very much.
  • Handwriting Without Tears
    This program is great for kids who struggle with letter reversals or have a difficult time writing legibly. Initial work is done on a small blackboard which is embossed with smiley face prompts to remind students where to begin letter strokes.
  • Getty-Dubay Italics
    We used these italics books for all of our older children, and I still love the fluid script this method teaches. This is a particularly good series for artistically meticulous types and for anybody interested in learning how to write in calligraphy.
  • Personal Correspondence
    We provide opportunities for our children to get extra handwriting practice through writing thank you notes, exchanging letters with pen pals, writing in journals and diaries.


  • Jenson’s Format Writing
    This is a very elegant high-school-level program designed to teach students how to write in a tight, well-organized manner. The book provides practice in sentence structure and transition, explains good paragraph construction, and teaches various forms of essay writing. Hint: It is a great way to brush up writing skills before taking the SAT.
  • Devotional Journals
    This is a series of books I designed myself to encourage my children to write down their thoughts about different topics, recount favorite memories, and keep a record of personal information, milestones, important phone numbers, and addresses. Every page contains a short writing prompt and/or passage of Scripture to get them started. The book can be tackled in any order using whatever medium your child is most comfortable with. There is plenty of space for writing, drawing pictures, pasting mementos, composing poetry, etc. The boys’ and girls’ versions (Be Still, My Soul and Moment by Moment, respectively) are almost identical, except for covers and clip art, which makes it easy to assign a couple of pages to all the children in our family and have everybody working on the same thing. We use the books with all ages — my five-year-old enjoys it as much as my fifteen-year-old. There are even volumes designed especially for Mom, so you can join in on the fun, as well!
On sale now! Devotional Journals by Jennifer Flanders

Teaching BIBLE

  • Bible Study Guide for All Ages
    This program covers all major Bible stories and historical events with daily discussion and review questions. The guides also contain memory aids for helping children learn the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve apostles, the ten commandments, the books of the Old and New Testaments and their authors, etc. It focuses solely on scripture (not on church doctrine for any particular denomination) and can easily be used to teach multiple grade levels at once. I think it may be out of print, now, but if you can track down an older copy, it’s a great program.


  • Critical Thinking Company
    We have owned and used almost all of the books and software published by the Critical Thinking Company over the years, but our favorites are the Building Thinking Skills series, the ThinkAnalogy series, Dr. DooRiddles, and Editor-in-Chief.
  • Bananagrams – Our entire family loves this game in which players must race to build a crossword puzzle using all their letter tiles. Who will finish first?
  • Mobi Math This one is played like Bananagrams, only instead of building words, you are building arithmetic equations. It’s a fun way to sharpen your math skills.
  • Rush Hour – Single player strategy game with four levels of increasingly difficult challenges. How many moves will it take you to get the red car out of the traffic jam?
  • The Fallacy Detective
    This 212-page book teaches readers to recognize the fallacies they encounter every day, including loaded questions, equivocation, circular reasoning, either-or arguments, generalization, and many more. I especially like the propaganda section, as children who learn to recognize these common techniques will never look at advertisements the same way again. The material is written for ages 12 and up, but I’ve read it aloud to younger kids, who still benefited from the discussion.
  • Timberdoodle
    Looking for more fun ways to build your child’s thinking skills? Check out this company. We’ve shopped here for nearly thirty years. They sell lots of slightly quirky and wonderfully fun educational products and thinking games for children, and we’ve loved everything we’ve ever bought from them, using their products not only in our schooling, but giving them as birthday gifts and tucking them into Christmas stockings, as well.




  • Pimsleur
    We love Pimsleur. It has been engineered to teach foreign languages in the same way children learn their native tongue. Pimsleur offers about 50 different languages, and this method makes learning languages easy. Several years ago, our family spent three weeks backpacking Europe. We used the 30-day Pimsleur programs beforehand to study German, French, and Italian and learned enough from just the first 10-12 lessons of each to get around very comfortably. Advanced levels are available for several of the most common languages and come with reading booklets, but the bulk of the instruction is auditory. If you pick Spanish, you can download the free tests I created for my children to track their progress and assign a grade.
  • Rosetta Stone
    We’ve also used Rosetta Stone, which some of our more visual learners have preferred to the audio lessons of Pimsleur. Rosetta Stone programs are available for 25 languages, including Latin, and include parent administrative tools that make it easier to check your student’s progress.
Choosing Curriculum


  1. Hi! I’ll be new at homeschooling a first and third grader. I’ve always thought you’re supposed to stick with the same curriculum for all subjects. I’ve never seen someone use different things for all subjects. This is so interesting!

  2. The Bible Study Guides are still available from Rainbow Resource; in fact, I see numerous curricula on this page that I’ve also seen there. It’s one of my favorite go-to sites for homeschool resources! 🙂 I came across your website on pinterest and am excited to be exploring through it. 🙂

  3. Hi,
    I have enjoyed referencing your curriculum choices. I do have a question though. I’m thinking about switching my language curriculum to the Easy Grammar you use. I’m teaching six of my kids this year. Would you suggest just starting out with the Easy Grammar, or is the Daily Grams really essential to the curriculum? The reason I’m wondering, is because I know I can get easily overwhelmed. Also I’m considering costs. Thank you very much for your help!

    1. I’d recommend doing a full year of Easy Grammar, then using Daily Grams in subsequent years to review/reinforce what they’ve learned with EG.

  4. Hi Jennifer,
    Some reviews on 1100 Words You Need to Know on Amazon say the author degrades conservatives. Do you see this attitude in the book?
    Thank you for sharing your curriculum choices. This is my sixth year homeschooling and I still feel I don’t have things together.

    1. I didn’t pick up on that attitude at the time, Dana, but neither was I expressly looking for it. It may in fact be present, and I just wasn’t sensitive to the fact. It’s been several years since I used that book. I’m curious to pull it back out now and see if I can find what those reviewers are talking about.

      Obviously, even after nearly 30 years of homeschooling, I still have a lot to learn. I can’t remember ever feeling that I had everything together, but God promises to show Himself strong, even in the midst of our own weakness. He’s been faithful to do that for me. I pray He will do that for you, as well. 🙂

  5. Oh so what did you use the funnix math for in your recommendations here. I read it as being used for your last set of kids. Was it in addition to the horizons then? Or just for the grandkids entertainment?

    I was going to purchase this funnix cos the sample looked good. I have Saxon 1 for my 5 year old but this funnix maths seems like a more cost effective solution. I will look into the horizons though. I am based in UK.

    Thanks for responding!

    1. You’re right, Ella. So sorry for the confusion. I was using Funnix math with my preschool boys the summer I first wrote this post, but once they finished the program (which is only 100 lessons long), we moved on to Horizons workbooks, which I used to transition them to Saxon 54. That Funnix math year was so long ago now that I forgot all about it!

      Our boys enjoyed the Funnix, and it was a great way to teach beginning math concepts (or to keep those skills fresh during summer breaks), but I wouldn’t attempt to go directly from Funnix Math to Saxon 54. Saxon 1, 2, and 3 were not available when we first started homeschooling (almost 30 years ago!), so I’ve tried lots of other curriculum for early elementary math over the years (including, eventually, those first few of levels of Saxon), but my kids have preferred the bright colors of the Horizons workbooks and I’ve liked the simplicity of that program.

      The Funnix Math lays an excellent foundation, but if your 5-year-old has already finished Saxon 1 and understood it well, I’d suggest looking at Horizons 2 if you want to change curriculum. If your child is struggling with the concepts taught in Sax 1, then Funnix might help solidify that knowledge before moving on. Once you get through those early elementary levels of math, though, I’d highly recommend switching back to Saxon. The textbooks (Saxon 54 and up) are hard to beat when it comes to really gaining mastery in concepts taught in upper elementary through high school math courses.

  6. Hi Jennifer, wonderful site you have here. God will bless the work you have been doing and your family. I wanted to ask if the funnix math program was complete enough to continue with Saxon math 54. Or did you find there were knowledge gaps that needed to be filled? If there were gaps – in what areas?

    Thank you

    1. Hi, Ella. We only use Funnix for reading, not for math, so I’m not sure how well it would segue into Saxon. We use Horizons Math workbooks for our younger students, and none of them have had any trouble moving from Horizons to Saxon 54 when the time comes, usually around 3rd grade, give or take a year.

  7. Hi Jennifer! I have a question about math .. I a currently using Horizons K& just bought Horizons 1 for next year. All is going well but I am considering doing the Saxon switch the way you suggested since Horizons doesn’t actually give many teaching suggestions in the manual. Is Saxon 5/4 suppose to be for 4th grd.? Did yougo up to 3rd grd.With Horizons & then switch ? And is Saxon 5/4 the only book I will need to teach the same way that you did using the older manuals that 1 being first? Thank you for your time& input!

    1. Yes, Eve, Saxon 54 is normally geared for fourth/fifth grades, but most of my kids have had a mathematical bent, so I usually start them on Saxon 54 about third grade, after finishing Horizons 2. The Saxon textbook is all you’ll need to teach, but you’ll probably want to invest in the test booklet and answer key for evaluating your student’s understanding and mastery, as well. I just read straight through the book with my student by my side, working the example problems as they are presented in the text. To transition from filling out workbooks to doing homework sets out of a textbook, I write down the problems for them their first year in Saxon, leaving enough space for them to work them out on the paper. I also read through all the word problems with them, since my guys’ verbal skills aren’t usually as advanced as their computational skills at that young age.

  8. Thank you Jennifer for sharing the curriculum. I would like to know how to go about making a decision on an education system like the ACE program for homeschooling. Has this been important in your experience?

    1. As you can see from the curriculum list above, we’ve sort of picked and chosen curriculum according to what we like best from what’s available from different makers for different subjects. This approach won’t appeal to everyone, to be sure. Some will want to order everything from one maker — a curriculum in a box, if you will. Others prefer to do online of video courses, where parents just oversee the work their children are doing. To make a decision about which education will work best for your family, I suggest you consider your children’s learning styles and personalities — if you have a son who has a hard time sitting still more than 15 minutes at a time, I wouldn’t try to park him at a desk or in front of a computer monitor for eight hours a day. Also, consider your own strengths/weaknesses as a teacher and try to choose a curriculum that plays to the strengths of both parent and child. If you can talk to other parents who have used the curriculum you’re considering, or visit a homeschool book fair where you can hold it in your hands and ask questions of the publishers, that would also help you to make a decision.

  9. Thanks so much for sharing this! I am wondering if you have specific recommendations for Kindergarten. I am currently homeschooling my daughter in Pre-K, and I just don’t know where to go with her next year! I would love to do Story of the World, but do you think Kindergarten is too young to start? I am wondering the same thing about the Apologia Young Explorer’s series. I would love to do them but don’t want to introduce them too early if she really isn’t ready. Any other specific suggestions? We have used Bob Books, the Get Ready for the Code series, and a Critical Thinking Company math book this year, and those have been great fits.

    1. You’re so welcome, Kelsey. Your question is a fairly common one, so I decided to publish the answer in my Monday Mailbag column. You’ll find it here.

  10. I am so glad I have found this website! I am back and forth between homeschooling and a private Christian school. I like the idea of homeschooling, but when I think about it, it often overwhelms me because I do not have the slightest clue as to where to start. I also let friends and family influence my decisions, by their opinions, too much! I would like to make a decision and that be it! We have a 25 month old who is interested in everything and learns very easily. I work with her on her letters, numbers and colors, the best I know how. She is very talkative and really works on her sentences! I have been thinking that I need to start something more structured with her, but I just don’t know! What is a good age to start the schooling? Any suggestions will help! (We also have a 9 month old baby boy!)

    1. It sounds like you are already homeschooling, Eryn! Teaching your 2-year-old letters, numbers, colors. That’s a terrific start. Talking to her, answering questions, reading picture books — your “lessons” will evolve as she gets older, but you needn’t feel pressured to rush “formal” schooling at this age. For a more in-depth look at our philosophy on early education, check out this post.

  11. Thanks so much for listing you curriculum in such detail. I am new to homeschooling this year and it’s been challenging to say the least. I have laughed, cried, been extra frustrated,ready to quit and excited. I am homeschooling a 9th grader and kindergarten child with ADD. This list was helpful and I will be checking some of these out. It was nice to read that you’ve also had struggles in homeschooling, It helps me not to feel so inadequate. Thank You Again. I’ll be checking back with your site.

    1. So glad I could be of some encouragement, Dawn. Keep up the good work, and don’t grow weary. Homeschooling is one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done, but it’s also one of the most rewarding.

  12. You have listed several of our family favorites – what are now being called ‘classics’! We are still using those same Saxon math texts – from 20 years ago! and love love love Jay Wile’s original Science texts.
    thanks for sharing – it’s fun to see what others are using in their homeschools

    1. We are too, Linda! 20+ years, and still going strong on almost all of our non-consumable curriculum. Homeschooling is such an economical choice when you have a large family that can pass down textbooks, don’t you think?

      1. Hi Jennifer,
        You are such a truly inspirational woman thank you for providing so much of your time to steward so many other families it is a blessing. Love from Australia!

        1. I appreciate the encouragement, Samantha, and am happy to know our materials are reaching even The Land Down Under!

  13. Lots of great suggestions!! We were fortunate to start with Sonlight from the get go and that’s been the one constant in our school. We had to try quite a few math and LA programs til we found what clicked though.

    Popping in from the blog hop.

  14. Thanks for sharing your curriculum! As a new homeschooler it’s so helpful to hear what others like, I’ll definitely be checking some of these out and reading your site more!

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