Sermon Notes Printable for Children

Keep Kids Quiet during Church

Today I’m sharing something to help your kids keep quiet in church: A free sermon notes printable for children.

Our family spent most of January touring the East Coast. This extended road trip gave us the opportunity to attend three different out-of-town churches.

Last Sunday morning, we worshipped with The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama. We had recently read and thoroughly enjoyed David Platt’s book, Radical. So we were curious to visit his church, even though we knew he’s no longer pastoring there.

Well, we were NOT disappointed.

The music was great. The sermon was great. But what I appreciated most was the people in the congregation.

Almost without exception, they all kept their Bibles open in their laps through the entire preaching service. And 85-90% of them were actively taking notes. It was so impressive, I snuck my iPhone out of my pocket and took a picture.

services at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL

But I should’ve taken a video. Because every time the pastor made an important point, all the heads dropped down in unison. And most of the hands filled in the outline printed in the bulletin.

Whenever the pastor referred to a verse of Scripture, the people would flip over to it in their Bibles. And follow along with the text.

They reminded me of the Bereans, who were praised in the book of Acts.

“Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica. For they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (Acts 17:11, NIV)

The scene stirred up fond memories of a time (nearly 30 years ago) when I listened that intently. Pen in hand. Bible open.

Of course, in the intervening years, I’ve had nursing babies in my arms. Or squirming toddlers in my lap. But now that my youngest is nearly FIVE, I think it’s time I get back to note-taking myself. Time to train my little ones to do the same.

Keep kids engaged with note taking

So I designed this printable, for that very purpose. And am posting it here so others can use it, too.

You may choose to print full sheets or two copies per page.

Sermon Notes for Children

The bigger page gives children more room to write. But if your goal is to help your kids stay quiet in church, the smaller page might prove less “rustle-y.”

Free printable Sermon Note Template to help children listen in church

I already have a stack printed for my family. If you decide to try them, too, let me know how they work for you!

More resources for building your child’s faith

Free sermon notes printables for children

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  1. This is great! I was setting out to make something similar for the grade 6/7 children in our church, Acton Ontario. Would it be ok if we used this for our church community too?

    Lindsay Elgersma

  2. I love this format for kids to use for sermon notes. Would it be ok if I printed enough for the children at our church? At Audubon Drive Bible Church. Thanks

  3. Good morning! I love your sermon notes for the kids, and I am asking permission to make copies for the children in our church, as well as my small second grade classroom for this year. I teach at a small Christian school and would like to give extra credit in Bible to those who bring their sermon notes back to me on Monday.
    Thank you for your consideration!

    1. I would be thrilled for you to do that, Allison. I love that you’re using extra credit will to motivate your students to pay attention in church!

      1. Hello Im From a Church in Canada, and i saw your sermon note page and i was wondering if i can have permission to use it at our church please

      2. Thank you very much Jennifer! I really appreciate you sharing this resource. Have a wonderful day in the Lord!

    1. You are welcome to make as many copies as you like for the children at your church to use, Rhonda. I appreciate your asking. Hope they enjoy them!

    2. I am so happy to find your page . Thank you for lay out of your Sermon page that you are so willing to share. I will try to get my granddaughter
      interested in making notes in the service.

  4. This is great! I looked elsewhere online, but the ones I found were too busy, too much like a checklist, or had too many words for my 4 year old to keep up with. I’m going to print a few of these and try them out this Sunday. Hopefully it jives well with his personality/learning preferences and is successful!

  5. I love your printables! I am always giving friends the link to your pages. My oldest is almost ready for this kind of note taking. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Journals and binders; that’s what carries the numerable notes over the years. Let children have the freedom of creating how they would like to keep record of what the Lord is saying to their heart. The variety of journals and binders sitting on open bookshelves and closed cupboard shelves is such a delight. The Lord will lead you too if you wants you to reread something and gain again what He has said before!

    1. I love your idea about recycled paper journals, Elsie. I used to make those for my little ones. They would invariably color on just one side of the paper, so I’d take a stack of their scribbles, fold them in half, stack several folded sheets together, and staple the loose ends together. The children were more than content to color on the opposite side of the papers that way. Sometimes I’d even add a construction paper cover. They loved that!

  7. Oh, there is something really wonderful I like about taking notes, and I didn’t want to miss telling about. I love, absolutely love copying scripture into journals or folded recycled paper that the Lord is speaking to me through!! And make sure you record what the Lord is speaking to your heart during the day, or in the night! It makes it that much more special that the Lord is saying something to your heart and you get it written down! The coolest thing that has developed from writing down scriptures that the Lord is speaking to my heart: now songs can be created and sung using those scriptures that have been jotted down!! It’s so very special singing them out to Him. Sometimes the Lord will bring it back to my heart and the scritpure song can be sung again and again: abiding in Him and His words abiding in me.

  8. I’m a real note taker myself; even more so these past several years(our kids are all now grown!) Now with social media, I’m taking notes any day, and many days of the week! Recycling papers and folding them in half is what I use for taking notes; stacks of them over the years! Then I can keep them for prayer or if I want them for my journal I can copy them into the journal. Many times I write notes right in the journall To the top left, I write who is speaking; and at the top right I write the full date. When you make notes using recycled paper folded in half, make sure you put page numbers on them! The past few years, I’ve been using colored paper, and themed paper too. The last two themed pages I’ve used beginning last year was: light orange with a lion on the bottom right corner and a tree to the left; a large sailing ship on the bottom right on the waters: this page too is light orange like a sunset sky!!

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