Search Results for: christmas quiz

“For Unto Us a Child is Born” Christmas Quiz

“For Unto Us a Child is Born” Christmas Quiz

I have another free printable Christmas quiz for you today. I call this one the “For unto Us a Child is Born” Quiz. The Bible is chockfull of Messianic prophecies that were made in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament. How many of the following can you identify by chapter and verse?…

Big Book of Christmas Printables Volume 2

Big Book of Christmas Printables Volume 2

Our Big Book of Christmas Printables Volume 2 is a collection of holiday-themed printables: games and activities, Christmas movie trivia quizzes, craft ideas, seasonal thank you cards, conversation starters, gift tags, treat bag toppers, coloring pages, and much, much more to make your family’s Christmas celebration both merry and bright.

NOTE: This listing is for digital files only (printable PDF format). You will be able to download your files immediately after purchase and will have lifetime access to any and all future updates of this digital product.

Big Book of Christmas Printables Volume 1

Big Book of Christmas Printables Volume 1

Our Big Book of Christmas Printables Volume 1 is a collection of Holiday-themed printables: games and activities, trivia quizzes, Christmas gift lists, note cards, envelope seals, treat bag toppers, coloring pages, and much, much more to help your family celebrate Christmas in a way that is both merry and meaningful.

NOTE: This listing is for digital files only (printable PDF format). You will be able to download your files immediately after purchase and will have lifetime access to any and all future updates of this digital product.

While You Were Sleeping Trivia Quiz

While You Were Sleeping Trivia Quiz

If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know I love Christmas movies and trivia quizzes. So combining the two makes a lot of sense, wouldn’t you agree? When most people think of Christmas movies, they think of It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and Miracle on 34th Street. (If this describes…

Valentine’s Day Quiz (Free Printable)

Valentine’s Day Quiz (Free Printable)

I know Valentine’s Day is a week behind us now, but our family hosted two V-Day events that took place after the fact. Today I’m sharing the trivia test I gave guests at both events: my all-new Valentine’s Day Quiz. A Lifestyle of Learning It’s geeky, I know. As homeschoolers, we love real-life learning. And…

Throw the Best Christmas Caroling Party Ever

Throw the Best Christmas Caroling Party Ever

Our family loves to go Christmas caroling and tries to do so at least once every December. Between our own caroling parties, friends’ caroling parties, nursing home recitals, Salvation Army bell ringing, and choir performances, we sometimes even carol multiple times a year. So you can imagine how pleased I was to receive the following…

“Name That Song” Christmas Game

“Name That Song” Christmas Game

How well do you know your Christmas carols? Could you identify one by just a single measure? Use our “Name that Song” Christmas game to find out. This game was inspired by one I played at a cookie exchanges my children’s piano teacher hosted last Christmas. I made two different versions, so take your pick….

Christmas Tree Trivia Test (Free Printable)

Christmas Tree Trivia Test (Free Printable)

Today I’m sharing another free printable party game: our brand new Christmas Tree Trivia Test. We finally got our tree decorated last night. It’s been up and lighted for a week, but no ornaments. I’ve been too busy unpacking moving boxes to search for decorations. Many hands make light labor But the kids volunteered to…

Who Wore It Best? Christmas Party Game

Who Wore It Best? Christmas Party Game

We are making slow progress on unpacking boxes from our recent move. Today’s project: Organize the closets. I need to sort through the clothes, cull the stuff that’s outgrown, and switch out summer shorts for winter sweaters, as cooler temps have finally come to Texas (at least for the moment). On the topic of winter…

Who Gets What? Christmas Matching Game

Who Gets What? Christmas Matching Game

December is here. It’s time to celebrate! Not only is Christmas just around the corner, but our family is officially in our new house, having moved the very last box of stuff over late last night. Hooray!! We spent the entire month of November s-l-o-w-l-y moving, room by room — which explains why I only…

Hipster Trivia Quiz: I Mustache You 10 Questions

Hipster Trivia Quiz: I Mustache You 10 Questions

Imagine Family Feud asked 100 people to “Name a holiday traditionally celebrated in February.” The most popular survey responses would probably be one of the following. Valentine’s Day President’s Day… or possibly even Groundhog Day If a contestant buzzed in with “Fake Mustache Day,” it would most likely count as a strike against them. Nevertheless,…

How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols?

How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols?

Every December, my children’s piano teacher hosts a wonderful brunch and cookie exchange for the mothers of her students. It is always such fun. I look forward to it all year long. In addition to delicious food and great company, she plans entertainment, usually in the form of some music-related quiz. It’s normally pretty challenging,…

12 Days of Christmas Sing-a-Long Labels

12 Days of Christmas Sing-a-Long Labels

It’s best if you spring today’s activity on your friends and family unaware. We make it easy with these handy labels. Just stick one unobtrusively to the bottom of every dinner plate before guests arrive, then when it is time to eat, let folks go through the buffet line without drawing attention to that hidden surprise.

Christmas Timeline Challenge (Free Printable)

Christmas Timeline Challenge (Free Printable)

Today’s game is seriously cerebral. We first created this “Christmas Timeline” for a party we hosted for old college friends, but we’ve since used it with homeschool classes and physician groups, as well. It is perfect for folks who appreciate a challenge and love to learn. The object of the game is to place 21 events in chronological order in …

Party Preparedness Pop Quiz (Free Printable)

Party Preparedness Pop Quiz (Free Printable)

Several years ago, my daughter called home from college to ask if she could borrow one of my (many) Christmas sweaters for a holiday party she was attending. I was briefly flattered, until she explained that the point of the party was to see which attendee could wear the ugliest, gaudiest, most over-the-top, sparkly, spangly, bejeweled and bedazzled Christmas sweater imaginable… and she figured any of mine stood a good chance of winning!

Free Printables

Free Printables

I love pretty printables! I enjoy creating them, using them, and sharing them with others. If you like printables, too, you’ve come to the right place. Our family website offers a treasure trove of pretty & practical printable resources — calendars, chore charts, coloring pages, and much, much more. Clever uses for our pretty printables:…

Mailbag: More Bible Trivia?

Mailbag: More Bible Trivia?

I use Mondays to clear out my mailbag. This week, I’m fulfilling a reader request for more Bible trivia. Question: Can you send me more Bible Trivia? Dear Jennifer, I love your family Scripture Scavenger Hunt. Is there any way you can send me more? I will appreciate it very much. Thank you! Yours respectfully,…