Coloring Pages for Valentine’s Day

Remember when I promised you more love-themed printables last week? Since it’s already Sunday again, I thought I’d start with some new Scripture-based coloring pages for Valentine’s Day.
I made the first two while we were on a long road trip recently. (You’ll hear more about that in future posts). The others I’ve published before, but included because they tie in so nicely with the LOVE theme. Click on any of the following images to be directed to the original post where you may download the coloring page.
A New Commandment
Of course, I find it difficult to talk about love or tokens of affection without also talking about God. The love with which He loves us is unsurpassed. And any love we feel arises from the love He’s demonstrated. “We love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) Nevertheless, Christ has issued A New Commandment: We are to love one another and to pattern our love after His.
Love One Another
Here’s another reminder of our duty as Christians, to Love One Another. Jesus says that by our love, people will know that we are His disciples. So let’s make it as obvious as possible.
Love Bears All Things
Our Love Bears All Things Coloring Page features verses from 1 Corinthians 13. This chapter gives a beautiful description of love. Is there any wonder this passage is so frequently quoted in wedding ceremonies?
Create in Me a Clean Heart
The kind of love God calls us to demonstrate to others is not a love we can muster up in our own strength, but one that can only flow through a new heart that God has cleansed from sin. The kind of clean heart the Psalmist prays for in Psalm 51:10.
God’s Love is Made Complete in Us
Loving one another is not a suggestion. It’s a command. Moreover, the Bible teaches that “if we love one another, God’s love is perfected or made complete in us.” (1 John 4:12):
Nobody Loves Us More than Christ
Through His death on our behalf, Jesus gave us the greatest example of love there is. He presented us with the greatest gift, as well: forgiveness of sin and eternal life with Him in heaven. There is no greater love than this! (John 3:16, Ephesians 1:7)
Put on Love
The world needs more of that self-sacrificing, putting-others-first kind of love. And Putting on Love is exactly what Christ calls us to do. (Colossians 3:14; Philippians 2:1-3)
Love is More than a Mushy Sentiment
The Bible urges us not to merely say we love others, but to show it through our actions. “Let us not love in word or in tongue, but love in deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:18)
There is No Better Place to Be
Jesus told His disciples, “Remain in My love.” (John 15:9) That’s definitely where I want to stay!
Christ’s Love Never Fails
God’s love is an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3) It doesn’t wax and wane like human love is prone to do. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”(Hebrews 13:8)
Give Thanks with Grateful Praise
If the knowledge that “God loved us and sent His Son” doesn’t fill your heart with gratitude, I don’t know what will! (1 John 4:10)
He Puts a Song in My Heart
I never tire of singing God’s praises. I will sing of His love through all eternity and proclaim His faithfulness (Psalm 89:1)
My Heart Belongs to Him
I’m so glad that, first and foremost, I belong to Jesus. My relationship to Him makes every other relationship in life all the sweeter — not the least of which is my marriage. But I love this verse from the Song of Solomon: “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.”
Behold the Love of God
Not only does God’s love fuel our love in marriage, but it also transforms relationships between parent and child. O, that we might love our kids with the constant, grace-filled, patient love of our Father!
The Fun Never Ends
Want more Valentine’s Day fun without having to search and download dozens of individual files? Then grab a copy of our newest Print Pack and get all my best resources for Valentine’s all bundled together for one low price.
Inside, you’ll find cards, games, quizzes, coloring pages, treat bag toppers, tracts, decorations, and lots, lots more.

These are lovely! Unfortunately, when I click on them, nothing happens, so I am unable to print them. Any suggestions on how to resolve this? I’ve tried saving one first to see if that would help, but all it does is save as a webpage.
Thanks so much for alerting me to that glitch! I was forced to change from classic editing to block editing last week, and it must have messed up my links. I’m SO GRATEFUL you wrote to tell me! I’ve fixed the problem now, so if you are still interesting in printing any of those free coloring pages, you should be able to access them easily
this is such a great service you offer amazing talents you display , we are blessed always by your great ideas and advice.
I’m so glad to hear it, Marlene!
Thank you for sharing your love of the Lord, husband and children!
It is wonderful and I thank you for these resources. I am using them to encourage
several small children that I know that aren’t being raised in HIM!
Warm regards, Dolores
You are most welcome, Delores. Thanks so much for sharing. It makes me happy to know our resources are being put to good use!
Jennifer, I just wanted you to know that the timing of this post was so sweet. Worldwide, all members of the international Community Bible Study ministry are studying the book of John. Typically, individual study groups choose which Bible book(s) they want to study each year. But worldwide, everyone is studying John this year. The current memory verse for my group in Amarillo (for the calendar timing of our lessons) is John 13:34…..the very first coloring page on your list. =)
Don’t you love it when God coordinates the timing on things like that? Happy to hear you can use the resources!
These prints are so beautiful. I am so glad to have found your site.
Thank you
I’m glad you’ve found us, too, Kathy. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement!