Gospel Tracts for Easter (Free Printables)

If you’ve been around this blog for long, you know we offer free printable gospel tracts for all kinds of occasions. We have tracts for New Year’s, Valentine’s, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. And now, thanks to the suggestion of an astute reader, we have free printable gospel tracts for Easter, as well.
That reader works in a church-run food pantry and tells me she likes to enclose a seasonal tract in the boxes of groceries she hands out. But the following tracts would also be a perfect addition to Easter baskets or greeting cards, as well. Or fold one around a generous tip for your waiter or waitress or your taxi or Uber driver. We have six designs (so far) to choose from:
Easter Egg Tract: Why not search for something that lasts?
In Jeremiah 29:13, God tells His people, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” If only we would seek after Him with the same enthusiasm kids display when hunting eggs!
Good Shepherd Tract: We’re all lost without Jesus!
As noted in Isaiah 53:6, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” We are hopelessly lost without Christ. Thankfully, Jesus is a good shepherd and willingly laid down His life for His flock. Do you listen for His voice and follow hard after Him?
Easter Story Tract: It’s the greatest story ever told!
Freedom from sin and forgiveness in Christ. What could be better news than that? This tract notes that all who put their faith and trust in Jesus will be saved.

Spring Blossoms Tract: Flowers wither, and our lives do too.
Life is frail and fleeting, but eternity is forever. Thanks to the sacrificial death of Christ, we can spend that eternity in heaven with Him. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Passover Lamb Tract: Jesus sacrificed His life for us.
Pure and spotless Lamb of God, Jesus took the punishment for our sins upon Himself. The day will come when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.

Easter Bonnet Tract: How about donning the helmet of salvation, instead?
In generations past, ladies wore their fanciest bonnet and best dress on Easter Sunday. But do you know what’s far more important than our physical clothes? Our spiritual attire. Make sure you daily dress in the armor of God.

UPDATE: Thanks to the help of a reader who was willing to provide the translations, we now have a few Easter tracts available in Spanish and Chinese. Click on the buttons below to download copies of any or all of these selections.

Would you like more Spanish resources? You can find them here: Spanish Prayer Guides & More
How about other Chinese resources? I’ve gathered those here: Chinese Prayer Guides & More
More Printable Gospel Tracts
If you like these free printable tracts, you’re going to love the newest print pack I just added to our shop. It’s my Complete Collection of Gospel Tract Printables, all compiled and ready for you to download in a single click — 50 designs in all.
Granted, you can download most of these designs individually for free on our website, but if you’d rather save time and get them right away, just click on the image below to learn more!

Thanks for your free tracts. I make up little bags at Easter & Christmas to give to the homeless at traffic lights (instead of the usual granola bars) and was looking for tracts I could print myself. I wanted to mention that when I printed them directly from your webpage, the front and back didn’t line up properly, but when I downloaded them and printed them from Adobe Acrobat, it worked just fine.
I love your treat bag idea. We do something similar here — but it makes me happy to think of the gospel being spread by our little tract project, however it happens!
Thanks again for your wonderful tracts! I appreciate you as a resource where I can print tracts to hand out with Meals on Wheels. Appreciate larger print so old people can read them. Keep up the good work for Jesus! Linda
Hi, I want to thank you for your website and the free downloadable tracts. I have been running a ministry here in the United Kingdom for the past 18 years. We go from Town to Town spreading the Good news of Jesus Christ. These tracts will help us to reach the lost for His Kingdom.
Thank you once again from everyone at
The Good News Outreach
God Bless You.
God bless your ministry, Pastor Parkes. I’m so glad to think our tracts may play a small part in it!