Seeking among the Dead Coloring Page

Today is Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday,, which is the perfect time to share my new “Seeking among the Dead” coloring page. It features the words of Luke 24:5 — the angel’s question to the mourning women who came to anoint the LORD’s dead body with spices three days after His crucifixion.
They were shocked upon arriving to find the heavy stone rolled away from the entrance, His corpse gone, and the tomb empty.
Then, as they stood crying and wondering what to do, two angels appeared to them and asked, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!” (Luke 24:5-6)

I know I’ve written before about Tinea, the stray cat that showed up on our front porch last winter and whom we’ve been feeding for well over a year.
The pit bull across the street seems genuinely afraid of her, and several times when that dog has been charging at a family member, Tinea has darted between the two and stopped the vicious thing dead in its tracks with her sharp claws and angry hisses.

Well, sadly, the owner of that pit bull knocked on our front door yesterday morning to tell us he had found our cat, dead in the creek that runs in front of his house. He suggested she might have drowned herself. But we assumed her archenemy had finally exacted revenge on his nemesis and hidden the evidence in the creek after he’d chewed her to bits.
The news hit our whole family hard.
We’d grown to love Tinea. And we were so grateful to have her sitting on our front porch, standing watch over our family and protecting us from harm.
She was our angel cat. We felt sure she’d been sent here by God to help guard us. Who would do that job now that she was gone?
Heavy hearted, two of my adult children put on their shoes and walked across the street to retrieve Tinea’s lifeless body.
You can imagine their shocked surprise and profound relief when they got there and realized it was some other cat who’d met her demise.
When Tinea showed up on our porch later that morning, we received her with great rejoicing, as one back from the dead. All day long, each of us kept repeating, “I’m so glad she’s alive! I’m so relieved she’s still here!”
It was a sweet reminder of how Christ’s disciples must have felt, with one major difference: They didn’t hear the sad news of Jesus’s death through the grapevine. They witnessed it with their own eyes.
They saw Him nailed to the cross. Saw Him suffer and die. Saw a spear pierce His side. Saw His lifeless body taken down from the cross, wrapped in white linen, and laid in a tomb.
This was no mere rumor. Jesus was completely, physically, verifiably dead.
And, understandably, His disciples were weighed down with grief as a result. They were counting on Christ to deliver them from their Roman oppressors. Who would save them, now that He was gone?
Christ died and was buried on a Friday. Yet when the women returned to His tomb on Sunday, they found it empty! Jesus was gone, and the angels told them the reason why: “He is risen, just as He said.”
And with grateful hearts and a profound sense of relief, we continue to celebrate the wonderful, miraculous, life-changing news of His resurrection two thousand years later: Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

More for You to Color
I hope you enjoy this week’s coloring page. If you like to color, then come back again next Sunday for a new one. To download any of the pages I’ve published in the past, simply follow this link: Free Christian Coloring Pages. If you’d prefer a bound collection, check out my Color the Word series. I designed these richly detailed, Scripture-based coloring books with grown-ups in mind. But they can be enjoyed by all ages. They’re even available in Spanish!
For those who enjoy journaling as well as coloring, my devotional journals offer the best of both worlds. Now with twelve titles to choose from.

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