Isaac FlandersOur twelve-year-old Isaac has never met a stranger. He is extremely generous and gregarious and will talk your ear off if you’ll let him.

He loves riding bikes, scooters, and skateboards, is fond of tennis and swimming, and pretty good at slacklining, as well.

He recently caught up to his next older sibling in height (much to Rachel’s consternation) and — judging by the size of his feet — shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. Mom anticipates his passing her in another 12 months or so.

Isaac enjoys math, art, and creative writing. He also likes to read fantasy fiction and sci-fi. Our resident techie, he seems magnetically drawn to computers and can figure out how to do things on his new Macbook pro the rest of us never even thought of (with the possible exception of David, from whom he inherited the techie mantel).

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

Isaac Flanders

JosephRebekahRachel – Isaac – DanielGabrielAbigail

THIS PAGE LAST UPDATED: December 23, 2015

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