
Mailbag: Free Printables to the Rescue!

Monday Mailbag Q&A
Doug and I were delighted to find the following message in our inbox last week:

Hey guys,

I just wanted to share with you how much I appreciate your website. My daughter just started college and came running downstairs in a panic.

“Mom! I have to have graph paper! I forgot about an assignment and have to scan it and have it turned in by midnight tonight!” She yammered.

I don’t have graph paper just laying around and the nearest store to us is about 20 miles away. It was already going on 9pm and everyone was in their pjs and getting ready for bed, not to mention that I can’t see to drive at night.

I went on your site hoping beyond hope that you had something of this nature on there. Of course, it was Jennifer and her husband to the rescue once again!! I printed off 6 sheets [of your graph paper] for her, and her assignment was completed and turned in by 11:23pm.

So, once again, thank yall so very much!! You are appreciated!


My Free Printables page began as a way to keep all the charts and graphs and calendars I made for my own family’s use organized and easy to access. We made them available on the website so that our readers could benefit from them, as well.

If you’ve not visited this page recently, I would encourage you to check it out. After nearly ten years of blogging, our collection of free printables has grown to include hundreds of resources — everything from prayer guides to party games, calendars to Christmas seals, grade reports to graph paper.


You’ll find free printable chore charts, reading logs, gospel tracts, math drills, and lots and lots of coloring pages.

It takes awhile for all our newest printables to appear in the full list, so if you are looking for something in particular and having a hard time tracking it down, try using the search bar to find it. If that doesn’t work, write to us and we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.

Best of all, all these printable resources are free. We provide them as a ministry, from one happy family to another!

You are welcome to share any of our printables with friends and family, either by printing copies to give to them (for free — please don’t try to sell any!) or by sending them a link to our free printables page.

If you are a blogger, we would love for you to share these resources with your readers, as well. We only ask that you please send them to specific posts or pages on our website (including our free printables page) rather than linking directly to our PDF files or uploading any of those files to your own blog.

Thanks for your help!

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