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“Getting to Know You” Ice Breaker Game

Getting to Know You Printable

My daughters and I hosted a Mother/Daughter/Granddaughter Valentine’s Brunch last weekend for a bunch of our neighbors. Some of the neighbors (including us) are relatively new to the neighborhood. Since we didn’t already know one another well, I designed a little Getting to Know You Questionnaire to help us all get better acquainted:

Getting to Know You Printable
[click on image to print]

It made a great ice breaker activity. The ladies mixed and mingled trying to track down people that fit all the descriptions on the list.

  • A bookworm
  • A school teacher
  • Someone new to the neighborhood
  • A new mother/grandmother
  • A dog owner
  • An exercise enthusiast
  • Et cetera…

Mother/ Daughter/ Granddaughter Valentine Brunch

You’ll never know unless you ask

The follow-up questions helped keep the conversations going a little better than the Ice Breaker Bingo I’ve used at bigger parties.

  • What’s the most recent book you’ve finished?
  • What subject or grade do you teach?
  • Where did you live before moving here?
  • How old is your baby/grandbaby?
  • What’s your dog’s name and breed?
  • What’s your favorite way to workout?
  • And so forth and so on…

I was too busy with the final brunch preparations to mark a Getting to Know You list myself, but I did answer lots of questions for others. I was also able to read all the lists that were left behind after the party later and learned a lot about my new neighbors that way.

Mother/ Daughter/ Granddaughter Valentine Brunch

We had such a nice time, my daughters and I are already planning another get together, so we can continue building these friendships.

How well do you know your neighbors? If you’d like to get better acquainted, I’d encourage you to ask them over.

You can have them all at once, like we did, or invite them one at a time to visit over a cup of coffee. Either way, you’re both sure to be blessed by the exchange!

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