
Mailbag: Help for Hurting Marriages

Mailbag Mondays - Our answers to readers' questions

We’ve received several questions lately through our family blog asking about help for hurting marriages. These particular questions dealt with subjects better suited to my other blog, Loving Life at Home, so I’ve been publishing my responses over there. Here are links to the most recent queries, in case any of my other readers may be dealing with the same issues.

Here are the links to the first couple of questions:

I’ll be tackling a few more letters on related topics in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. In the meantime, here are a few more letters I’ve published on that blog that might bless you:

  • Elisabeth Elliot’s life-changing advice to me (This was written in response to a letter I sent to her back when I was dating the man I eventually married — thanks to her sweet words encouraging me to do so without reservation.)
  • Letter to a weary mom (This letter was written neither by me nor to me, but by a friend who later shared it with me. I found it to be a tremendous encouragement, and think you will, too.)
  • A letter to my father (Yesterday marked the ninth anniversary of my father’s passing. This is a letter I wrote to him a couple of years before he died.)
  • To the mother whose child is leaving home (This is an open letter, prompted by questions from several friends who were navigating these waters for the first time and asked me how I’d gotten through them without having an emotional breakdown. :-))

Do you need help for a hurting marriage or have a different question you’d like to see addressed, either on this blog or that one? You can submit it here. We are unable to respond individually to most letters, but publish responses weekly on our family website (and as often as subject matter warrants it on Loving Life at Home). We are also careful to remove identifying information on any questions of a sensitive nature.

"You relationship to your husband may be the only marriage book your children ever read. What lessons will they take with them when they leave home?" - Jennifer Flanders

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