Roman Road to Salvation (Free Printables)

Free Printable Verses for Sharing the Gospel

I received a letter recently from a reader named Nelli. She and her husband are doing a Bible camp, needed some resources on the Roman Road to Salvation, and wondered if I might have anything available.

As it so happens, I do!

I created the following printables for my son last year, as he was trying to learn those evangelistic Bible verses in several different languages so as to be able to share the gospel more freely with folks who might not speak English.

I emailed the following PDFs to Nelli, but I wanted to share them here, as well, in case anybody else might have a use for them.

Isaiah 52:7 reads, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’”

And Ephesians 6:15 echoes these words when it urges us put on the full armor of God, which includes having our “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.”

I hope these printables will help prepare YOU to proclaim salvation and share the gospel of peace with those who may never have heard the good news before.

The Roman Road of Salvation (Multi-Lingual Printables):

Evangelistic Bible Verses - NASB

This is the version I sent to my grandkids for our family’s monthly memory challenge for May. But I know some believers prefer reading and memorizing the King James Version. If that includes you, here is a KJV version instead:

Evangelistic Bible Verses - KJV

But since several of my homeschool high schoolers are currently taking Spanish, I made a Spanish version, too. That will allow them to share the gospel with any native Spanish speakers they may encounter — which happens pretty frequently since we live in Texas.

Roman Road - Spanish

Of course, my husband took French in high school and I took German in college, so I created French and German translations, as well:

Roman Road French
Roman Road - German

And, last but not least, I did an Italian translation of the Roman Road to Salvation, just to round everything out:

Roman Road - Italian

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  1. Thank you so much. My mom has been having a hard time remembering (parkinson’s) what the Roman’s Road is. She always has been, but more so now, very passionate about sharing the salvation message. This will help her a lot.
    I also going to pass you web site on to my friend who has been in charge of crafts for the missions trips at church.

    Thanks again, Nyna

    My mom loved the Trump/Biden bingo cards.

    1. I’m so glad to hear you’re using my resources with your mom and sharing them with your church friends. Thanks for doing that, Nyna!

    1. You are so welcome, Amanda. We can be confident that His Word will never return to Him void without accomplishing what He desires and succeeding in the purpose for which He sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)

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